
Date Title Description Word Count
1910 (Nov) Segregation Some people in Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Columbus, O., and other Northern cities are quietly trying to establish separate colored schools. This is wrong, and… 491 words
1910 (Nov) Baltimore An inevitable step forward in anti-Negro prejudice is being taken in Baltimore, and threatened elsewhere. The colored folk of that city long ago became dissatisfied with a… 214 words
1910 (Nov) The Crisis The object of this publication is to set forth those facts and arguments which show the danger of race prejudice, particularly as manifested to-day toward colored people. It… 319 words
1910 (Nov) Agitation Some good friends of the cause we represent fear agitation. They say: “Do not agitate—do not make a noise; work.” They add, “Agitation is destructive or at best… 217 words
1910 (Nov) Voting If there is one thing that should be urged upon colored voters throughout the United States this fall it is independence. No intelligent man should vote one way simply from… 170 words
1910 (Dec) Advice There is a matter which calls for a solemn editorial in a metropolitan newspaper, namely, the pre-emptying of seats on suburban trains. The New York Times says: 323 words
1910 (Dec) The Inevitable In the argument of the prejudiced there is a certain usual ending: “But this is inevitable.” For instance, a crime is committed by you. I am lynched. “It is inevitable,”… 281 words
1910 (Dec) The Ghetto It is curious how old ideas recur and ancient ones persist. In earliest times the easiest way to prevent trouble was to separate the combatants—put space between them, herd… 380 words
1910 (Dec) Precept and Practice A large audience was leaving New York’s finest theatre. The play had been upon the Negro question, and one couple had been especially thrilled by the fine heroism of the… 238 words
1910 (Dec) The Election For colored men the Congressional election of 1910 marked an event. Never before since Emancipation have so many colored voters cast the Democratic ticket. 355 words
1910 (Dec) The Races in Conference We doubt if the Twentieth Century will bring forth a greater idea than the First Universal Races Congress in London, in the summer of 1911. Its possibilities are tremendous… 695 words
1910 (Dec) N.A.A.C.P. What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? It is a union of those who believe that earnest, active opposition is the only effective way of… 522 words
1911 (Jan) Allies Occasionally we find in the columns of a national press, which as a rule regards the wrongs of colored citizens as “stale news” not worth printing, some really splendid… 440 words
1911 (Jan) The Flag Representatives from a number of organizations concerned with securing justice to the Negro—among them the N.A.A.C.P.—called upon President Taft the other day in regard to… 256 words
1911 (Jan) Discrimination Northern paper defends race discrimination in this wise: 309 words
1911 (Jan) The High School The city of St. Louis has recently built a new colored high school. The story of the accomplishment of this great work reads like a bit of intrigue at the court of the later… 366 words
1911 (Jan) Except Servants The noticeable reservation in all attempts, North and South, to separate black folk and white is the saving phrase, “Except servants.” 86 words
1911 (Jan) The Truth To the honest seeker for light the puzzling thing about the Southern situation is the absolutely contradictory statements that are often made concerning conditions. For… 427 words
1911 (Jan) Jesus Christ in Baltimore It seems that it is not only Property that is screaming with fright at the Black Spectre in Baltimore, but Religion also. Two churches founded in the name of Him who “put… 237 words
1911 (Jan) The Old Story There is without doubt a large criminal and semi-criminal class among colored people. This is but another way of saying that the social uplift of a group of freedmen is a… 400 words
1911 (Jan) ‘Ashamed’ Any colored man who complains of the treatment he receives in America is apt to be faced sooner or later by the statement that he is ashamed of his race. 262 words
1911 (Jan) ‘Social Equality’ At last we have a definition of the very elusive phrase “Social Equality” as applied to the Negro problem. In stating their grievances colored people have recently specified… 176 words
1911 (Jan) A Winter Pilgrimage The race problem is not one problem. It differs not only in time, but in place. Therefore I always go to different groups of colored people in this land with much of… 753 words
1911 (Jan) Envy It is unfortunate that in the recent newspaper discussion of an Appeal to Europe sent out not by this Association but by a number of colored men of influence and standing… 293 words
1911 (Feb) London There is in the world no city like London. Nor is its distinction merely a matter of size. To be sure, it is a vast aggregation of men—it gives the visitor a curious sense… 524 words
1911 (Feb) Lynching The mob spirit in America is far from dead. Time and time again the disappearance of lynching has been confidently announced. Still this species of murder and lawlessness… 366 words
1911 (Feb) Races If Americans who have long since said the last word con­cerning the races of men and their proper relations will read the papers laid before the First Universal Races… 1,025 words
1911 (Feb) Pink Franklin The commutation of the death sentence of Pink Franklin, of South Carolina, to imprisonment for life is the latest step in an astounding American tragedy, but not, please… 296 words
1911 (Feb) Rampant Democracy There is an artist in New York who rose from the humblest circumstances and now lives in a suburb of the city. In his rise he has evidently learned the essentials of… 253 words
1911 (Feb) Southern Papers There are reasons why certain white Southern papers should be classed with Life when they speak on the race problem. Life is not as funny as it used to be, and these papers… 346 words
1911 (Feb) Education THE amount of positive ignorance on the situation of the colored people in America is simply appalling. Take, for instance, the matter of the education of children. The… 1,069 words
1911 (Feb) Separation It is a cruel mental strain to which honest colored men are being put to-day, particularly in the South. They want to come to terms with their neighbors. They are being… 521 words
1911 (Mar) Promotion of Prejudice Complacent people sit before race prejudice with folded hands. How unfortunate, they say, but how unchangeable! Then they select the appropriate adverbs “always” and “never”… 732 words
1911 (Mar) Triumph Let the eagle scream! Again the burden of upholding the best traditions of Anglo-Saxon civilization has fallen on the sturdy shoulders of the American republic. Once more a… 638 words
1911 (Mar) The Races in Congress ## I.—What Was the Races Congress? 3,336 words
1911 (Mar) The World in Council The greatest event of the twentieth century so far was the First Universal Races Congress. It was more significant than the Russian-Japanese war, the Hague Conference or the… 485 words
1911 (Mar) Social Equality A colored physician of Kansas City has made a speech at a large meeting in Denver in which he protests that he does not want “social equality.” It happens, however, that… 326 words
1911 (Mar) The Methodist Church, North In 1844 the general conference of the Methodist Church sitting in New York City, by a vote of 110 to 68, suspended from his functions Bishop Andrew who had come into… 394 words
1911 (Mar) The Blair Bill There is living to-day in the city of Washington a white-haired man of towering physique who was born in New Hampshire in 1834. He was admitted to the bar in 1859 and became… 772 words
1911 (Mar) The White Primary Any well-intentioned American cans argue this way: the present disfranchisement laws of the South are unfair, but in time, after the special exemptions under the grandfather… 801 words
1911 (Mar) Politeness There are two situations where it is hard to be courteous: when courtesy involves public condemnation; and when courtesy demanded by the discourteous. The first is the… 369 words
1911 (Apr) Knowledge One of the comfortable theories of the South is its intimate and careful knowledge of everything relating to black folk. Governor Donaghey of Arkansas, for instance… 231 words
1911 (Apr) Forward Backward The nemesis of every forward movement in the United States is the Negro question. 639 words
1911 (Apr) Hail, Columbia! American civilization moves steadily and graciously forward. Consider this gem from a New York morning paper: > Fifth Avenue, near 114th Street, was well filled with men and…
543 words
1911 (Apr) Mr. Taft Mr. William Taft, President of these United States, shows a marvelous facility for getting on the right track and saying the wrong thing. The most glaring example of this… 555 words
1911 (Apr) The Truth There is to-day a tendency among colored people and among their earnest friends to tell the half-truth concerning the situation of the colored people and to condemn those… 413 words
1911 (Apr) The Writer The death of Frances Watkins Harper calls our attention to the literature of American Negroes. Mrs. Harper was born in Baltimore in 1825. Her active life, beginning with her… 324 words
1911 (Apr) Smith Jones A curious thing happened at Harvard last fall. A boy walked from Mississippi and sought to enter the college because he wanted to learn to write. 501 words
1911 (May) Christianity Rampant How long is practical Christianity going to be able to survive its own hypocrisy? How long is the world going to be able to profess a system of unselfish ethics, of lofty… 319 words
1911 (May) The Census It will be interesting to hear the American chorus when the population figures of the census of 1910 are published. They will show naturally a large increase of whites ard a… 478 words
1911 (May) ‘Ezekielism’ We offer no apology for coining a new long needed English word. We simply pause to acknowledge our indebtedness to Miss Pratt and Miss Ovington and to recommend our readers… 503 words
1911 (May) The Quadroon Daughter of Twilight, 106 words
1911 (May) ‘Social Equality’ We are with great assiduity collecting practical definitions of “social equality.”We say “practical” because the theoretical argument has gone quite insane. Here comes this… 555 words
1911 (May) Prejudice There is a class of Americans who are coming to regard race prejudice as a divine thing against which it is perfectly useless to strive. If such persons will consider the… 370 words
1911 (May) Violations of Property Rights Few people who argue about the race problem know how that problem changes. Within the last twenty years this change has been so great that many fail to realize it, or if… 3,074 words
1911 (Jun) The Sin Against the Holy Ghost “He doesn’t really believe what he says—he wants the same things that you want, but you see he has to talk this way.” 592 words
1911 (Jun) Jesus Christ in Georgia The convict guard laughed. 3,270 words
1911 (Jun) The Cost of Education A favorite argument in the South is that the white people “pay for” the education of colored children. For instance, an alderman in Lexington, Ky., argues this way, in… 400 words
1911 (Jun) Joseph Pulitzer [The blind editor of the New York World died October 29, 1911, murmuring in German, “Leise, ganz leise!” His paper always treated black folk fairly, in market contrast to… 351 words
1911 (Jun) Christmas Gift The November elections come as a sort of Christmas gift to black folk. First, the Digges amendment to disfranchise colored people has been defeated in Maryland by a decisive… 331 words
1911 (Jun) Starvation and Prejudice Two utterances by Mr. Booker T. Washington this week illustrate the reasons why so many thinking men, black and white, are coming to doubt Mr. Washington’s statesmanship.… 786 words
1911 (Jun) Education There are people in the United States who say: “We have tried education as a solution for the race problem and failed, therefore,” etc. 542 words
1911 (Jun) Education The talented, systematic, hard-headed youth of our nation are put into business. We tell them that the object of business is to make money. Our dull, soft-headed… 1,063 words
1912 (Jan) Crime and Lynching A favorite argument with shallow thinkers is: Stop crime and lynching will cease. Such a statement is both historically and logically false. Historically, lynching leads to… 968 words
1912 (Jan) A Mild Suggestion The were sitting on the leeward deck of the vessel and the colored man was there with his usual look of unconcern, before the seasickness his presence aboard had caused some… 1,211 words
1912 (Jan) Fraud and Imitation As the colored people become more and more a self-conscious, selfdirecting group, with organs of intelligence and moving representatives, it is becoming difficult to deceive… 461 words
1912 (Jan) The Third Battle of Bull Run It is just south of Manassas where Beauregard had his supplies, and east of the first two battlefields, with their ghastly relics and calm and guardian mountains. 648 words
1912 (Jan) Organized Labor The Crisis believes in organized labor. It realizes that the standard of living among’ workers has been raised in the last half century through the efforts and sacrifice of… 546 words
1912 (Feb) The Durbar The greatest concession wrung from an arrogant modern nation by a dark-skinned people has just been gained by the Indians from the English. The Durbar was not simply a… 369 words
1912 (Feb) The Gall of Bitterness Many people object to the policy of The Crisis because, as they usually put it, The Crisis is “bitter.” Some add that our news is depressing or that we are determined to… 633 words
1912 (Feb) China To most folk the wonder of the Chinese revolution is not in the revolution but in the fact that Chinamen show themselves so human. There was a time when everything bizarre… 243 words
1912 (Feb) Light When the trustees of the Phelps-Stokes fund gave two Southern universities $12,500 each to endow a fellowship for the study of the Negro they did well. For many decades… 596 words
1912 (Feb) Anarchism The Crisis has continually insisted that peonage, false arrest and injustice in the Southern courts were responsible for the mass of so-called Negro crime. The testimony to… 149 words
1912 (Feb) Politics The colored voter now stands face to face with the great question of the proper use of his electoral franchise. Under normal conditions 2,000,000 of the 20,000,000 votes… 1,111 words
1912 (Feb) Ohio This fall the colored voters of Ohio have a wonderful opportunity; the 40,000 or 50,000 votes which they cast will undoubtedly decide whether women shall vote in that State… 412 words
1912 (Mar) Divine Right We would like to know what rights the white people of this land are going to be able to retain? Step by step their dearest and most cherished prerogatives are being invaded… 439 words
1912 (Mar) Homes The injustice toward colored people who want decent living conditions is almost unbelievable unless one comes face to face with the facts. The New York Times, which spares… 272 words
1912 (Mar) Lee In a recent review of Mr. Thomas Nelson Page’s life of Robert E. Lee in the New York Times we find the following sentence: “Of all the figures in history, it is he (Lee) who… 557 words
1912 (Mar) The Justice of Woman Suffrage It is difficult to believe that any individual in the United States with one drop of African blood in his veins can oppose woman suffrage. It is queer and curious enough to… 974 words
1912 (Mar) Virginia Christian Virginia Christian was a product of Virginia far more than of the colored race. It was the social organization of white Virginia that made this girl what she was and then… 222 words
1912 (Mar) Mr. Roosevelt We are glad that at last there can be no doubt in any colored man’s mind concerning the attitude of Theodore Roosevelt toward his race. There were many of us who were… 948 words
1912 (Mar) Two Suffrage Movements The woman suffrage movement in England and America really dates from the beginning of the anti-slavery struggle. It was not only contemporaneous with it, but it owes its… 1,932 words
1912 (Mar) Colored Women as Voters More and mocre colored women are studying public questions and civics. As they gain information and have experience in their daily vocations and in their efforts for human… 752 words
1912 (Mar) Votes for Women Why should the colored voter be interested in woman’s suffrage? There are three cogent reasons. First, it is a great human question. Nothing human must be foreign… 535 words
1912 (Mar) Garrison and Woman’s Suffrage The invitation given me to contribute an article to the Woman Suffrage Number of The Crisis, and in it refer to the part that my father, William Lloyd Garrison played in the… 1,241 words
1912 (Mar) Brother Baptis’ on Woman Suffrage When hit come ter de question er de female vote,
De ladies an’ de cullud folks is in de same boat.
Ef de Boss feelin’ good, an’ we eats out his han’,
We kin shout fur…

237 words
1912 (Apr) The Servant in the South During slavery days the house servants were rewarded with extra privileges, among which were the left-over food and cast-off clothing of the “big house.” This easily became… 595 words
1912 (Apr) In God’s Gardens O mist-blown Lily of the north, 204 words
1912 (Apr) Vital Statistics Every once in a while some social student turns his attention to the Negro problem and announces that he proposes to study it—for a few days. In such cases The Crisis is… 408 words
1912 (Apr) Of Children This is the Children’s Number, and as it has grown and developed in the editor’s hesitating hands, it has in some way come to seem a typical rather than a special number.… 150 words
1912 (May) The Negro Church It happens that during this month, in the North, West and South, there are meeting the ruling Methodist ecclesiastical bodies representing a membership of 1,175,000 colored… 596 words
1912 (May) The Colored Magazine in America The first colored magazine in America seems to have been The African Methodist Episcopal Church Magazine, edited by Dr. Hogarth, general book steward, and published in… 1,337 words
1912 (May) The Second Birthday It is natural that there should be many misapprehensions concerning the origin of The Crisis as well as its object. Every man with a cause longs to voice his belief. Most… 1,171 words
1912 (May) The Last Word in Politics Before another number of The Crisis appears the next President of the United States will have been elected. We have, therefore, but this last word to colored voters and… 607 words
1912 (Jun) Decency By a vote of 203 against 133, the German Reichstag has declared that marriages between Germans and native women in the colonies are legal. This is a triumph of sheer… 189 words
1912 (Jun) Education Consider this argument: Education is the training of men for life. The best training is experience, but if we depended entirely upon this each generation would begin where… 1,104 words
1912 (Jun) Suffering Suffragettes The woman suffragists are wincing a bit under the plain speaking of The Crisis. President Anna Shaw writes us: 892 words
1912 (Jun) The Odd Fellows The Grand United Order of Odd Fellows is so large and influential an organization among the colored people of America that its internal affairs are of wide interest. As… 571 words
1912 (Jun) The Election It is a source of deep gratification to The Crisisthat William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt have been defeated in their candidacy for the presidency of this nation.… 640 words
1912 (Jun) The Truth That this nation and this world needs is a Renaissance of reverence for the truth. If The Crisis stands for one thing above others, it is emphasis of this fact, and it is… 851 words
1912 (Jun) The Black Mother The people of America, and especially the people of the Southern States, have felt so keen an appreciation of the qualities of motherhood in the Negro that they have… 394 words
1913 (Jan) Our Own Consent We should remember that in these days great groups of men are not long oppressed but by their own consent. Oppression costs the oppressor too much if the oppressed stand up… 293 words
1913 (Jan) Emancipation Fifty years ago, on the first day of January, 1863, the American people, by the hand of Abraham Lincoln, took the first formal and legal step to remove the unsightly… 791 words
1913 (Jan) The Newest South For the first time in history, Southern white men and Southern black men have met under Southern white auspices and frankly discussed the race problems of the South before… 189 words
1913 (Jan) I Go A-Talking I have made a great journey to three of the four corners of this Western world, over a distance of 7,000 miles, and through thirty States; and I am overwhelmed almost to… 1,550 words
1913 (Feb) Intermarriage Few groups of people are forced by their situation into such cruel dilem­mas as American Ne­groes. Nevertheless they must not allow anger or personal resentment to dim their… 605 words
1913 (Feb) Blessed Discrimination A good friend sends us this word: > As an optimist of The Crisis persuasion, I find myself more or less frequently engaged in arguments on the eternal race question. Here is… 1,263 words
1913 (Feb) Burleson There is no doubt but that the Bourbon South is fighting hard to control Mr. Wilson’s Negro policy. For a time they held back the spectacular fire caters and marked time… 672 words
1913 (Feb) Slavery The civilization of South Africa, by means of theft, disfranchisement and slavery, goes on apace. Recently the better-paid white workingmen who have long been attempting to… 302 words
1913 (Feb) Civil Rights The sweeping away of the last vestiges of Charles Sumner’s civil-rights bill by the Supreme Court leaves the Negro no worse off, but it leaves the nation poor, indeed.… 232 words
1913 (Feb) Orphans There is no doubt that the condition of affairs at the Colored Orphan Asylum of New York City is not what it should be. One may pass over the charges of incompetency and… 890 words
1913 (Mar) The Proper Way The editor of the Cleveland Gazette names three main points of attack for any national association which aims to help colored people: 592 words
1913 (Mar) An Open Letter to Woodrow Wilson SIR: 1,169 words
1913 (Mar) The Fruit of the Tree Let no one for a moment mistake that the present increased attack on the Negro along all lines is but the legitimate fruit of that long campaign for subserviency and… 243 words
1913 (Apr) The Hurt Hound The editor has received this news note from a colored friend: 368 words
1913 (Apr) Easter-Emancipation 1863-1913 I am dead; 1,359 words
1913 (Apr) The “Jim Crow” Argument The chairman of the committee in the Missouri legislature which is engineering the “Jim Crow” car bill has evolved this unanswerable syllogism: 346 words
1913 (Apr) Hail Columbia Hail Columbia, Happy Land! Again the glorious traditions of Anglo-Saxon manhood have been upheld! Again the chivalry of American white men has been magnificently vindicated.… 807 words
1913 (Apr) The Princess of the Hither Isles Her soul was very beautiful, wherefore she kept it veiled in lightly laced Humility, and Fear, out of which peered anxiously ever and anon the white and blue and pale gold… 1,529 words
1913 (Apr) The Church and the Negro The relation of the church to the Negro is, or should be, a very simple proposition. Leaving aside the supernatural significance of the church organization, we have here… 604 words
1913 (May) The Clansman Several years ago a “professional southerner” named Dixon wrote a sensational and melodramatic novel which has been widely read. Eight years ago Dixon brought out his novel… 568 words
1913 (May) The Simple Way Some ways of life are so simple. There was, for instance, a few years ago, a solution of the Negro problem so ridiculously simple that those who did not receive it as gospel… 303 words
1913 (May) The Vigilance Committee: A Call To Arms There is scarcely a community in the United States where a group of colored people live that has not its vigilance committee. Sometimes this committee is organized and has a… 1,406 words
1913 (May) Woman’s Suffrage There seems to be no doubt but that the attempt to draw the color line in the woman’s suffrage movement has received a severe and, let us hope, final setback. Both at… 137 words
1913 (May) Peace At the coming meeting of the peace societies at St. Louis the question of peace between civilized and backward peoples will not probably be considered. The secretary of the… 340 words
1913 (Jun) The Strength of Segregation When the American people in their carelessness and impudence have finally succeeded in welding 10,000,000 American Negroes into one great self-conscious and self-acting mass… 305 words
1913 (Jun) The Three Wise Men The comet was blazing down from the sky on the midnight before Christmas. Three songs were dying away in the East: one from the rich and ornate chapel of the great cathedral… 1,504 words
1913 (Jun) The Episcopal Church In the red blood-guiltiness of the Christian church in America toward black folk the Episcopal Church has undoubtedly larger share any other group. It was the Episcopal… 546 words
1913 (Jun) Education Some folks are mental ostriches. We are not referring to their intellectual digestions, although there we realize is room for a whole. We are referring now to the method of… 381 words
1913 (Jun) Education The Democratic party has been in power three months and the colored population is still free. Only one Negro official has been summarily, and rather rudely, dismissed from… 209 words
1913 (Jun) The Next Step The vicious attempts to degrade colored women in Washington, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the District of Columbia have been killed by… 294 words
1913 (Jun) Logic The logical end of hatred is murder. Race prejudice is traditional hatred of human beings. Its end is lynching, war and extermination. 604 words
1913 (Nov) The People of Peoples and Their Gifts to Men In New York City, October 22-31, 1913 2,223 words
1913 (Nov) Another Open Letter to Woodrow Wilson Sir: On the occasion of your inauguration as President of the United States, The Crisis took the liberty of addressing to you an open letter. The Crisis spoke for no… 1,138 words
1914 (Jan) The Song of the Smoke I am the smoke king, 403 words
1914 (Jan) Join or Die The Crisis exists for one great purpose. 444 words
1914 (Jan) Free, White and Twenty One We will suppose, dear reader, that you are “Free, white and twenty-one;” that you are reasonably patriotic and would rather the world grew better than worse. 441 words
1914 (Jan) The Alleged Failure of Democracy The following editorial on “The Alleged Failure of Democracy” was written by the editor of The Crisis and printed in the Boston Sunday Globe: 921 words
1914 (Jan) Logic One of the interesting ways of settling the race problem comes to the fore in this period of unemployment among the poor. In Waterloo, Ky., the enterprising chief of police… 115 words
1914 (Jan) Real Estate in New York If the Negroes are to keep what little they have gained in the right to occupy decent dwelling places on the island of Manhattan, they would better be up and doing. 397 words
1914 (Jan) The Cause of Lynching It is exceedingly difficult to get at the real cause of lynching but The Crisis is more and more convinced that the real cause is seldom the one In the barbaric Oklahoma… 293 words
1914 (Jan) College Education The training of youth—the revelation of life, its present technique and its future possibilities to growing young people—is a matter of intricacy and difficulty to any… 223 words
1914 (Jan) Muddle The Negro problem is undoubtedly reaching a degree of spiritual complication which makes the onlooker hesitate between tears and hysterical laughter. A National Conference… 990 words
1914 (Feb) The South in the Saddle Should I become President of the United States, they (the colored people) may count on me for absolute fair dealing and for everything by which I could assist in advancing… 315 words
1914 (Feb) Work for Black Folk in 1914 American citizens of Negro descent and their friends have much to do in 1914, if they are to stem the rising tide of racial proscription. 589 words
1914 (Feb) The Negro and the Land “Disfranchise the Negro, give him an education and full rights of work and property. This will settle the Negro problem.” Such was the argument put forward in 1890 when… 1,210 words
1914 (Feb) Migration The Oklahoma movement for migration to Africa is a poorly conceived idea and we warn our readers against it. Migration to-day is a serious matter and should be planned and… 176 words
1914 (Feb) Resistance The Hindus in Natal and the Chinese in Panama are resisting white oppression. It is a good sign, not simply for colored folk, but for white folk. Bad as oppression is for… 74 words
1914 (Feb) Don’t Be Bitter Is it not singular that so many white folk in advising black folk—and the ancient industry of advising blacks is booming just now—are careful to say, first and last: “Don’t… 521 words
1914 (Feb) The Prize Fighter Boxing is an ancient sport. It is mentioned in Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid and was a recognized branch of the celebrated Olympic games. During the middle age boxing… 384 words
1914 (Feb) Votes for Women This fall the voters of six states certainly, and possibly eight, will vote on woman’s suffrage. In North and South Dakota, Montana, Nevada, Missouri and Nebraska elections… 830 words
1914 (Mar) A Little Play Time: Now. 295 words
1914 (Mar) Booming The Crisis The Washington Bee, a weekly colored periodical has been stirred to its vitals by the fear that the money collected in Washington and elsewhere for the National Association… 425 words
1914 (Mar) Lynching We do not blame the people of the United States for being ashamed of lynching, but we have serious doubts if recent methods of curing the evil are going to be really… 381 words
1914 (Mar) Taxation without Representation Negroes form 40 per cent. of the population of Memphis, Tenn. The city laid the following taxes during the year 1912: 727 words
1914 (Mar) A Crusade The Western trip of the chairman of the board of directors was a clarion call to arms. To Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Indianapolis went the cry which had already… 478 words
1914 (Mar) Does Race Antagonism Serve Any Good Purpose There are four classes of reasons usually given in defense of Race Antagonism. 1,034 words
1914 (Mar) The Story of Africa Once upon a time there lay a land in the southern seas; a dark, grim land, walled well against the world. And in that land rose three rivers and a fourth, all flowing out to… 844 words
1914 (Apr) Brazil As a magnificent essay in valiant timidity we recommend Mr. Theodore Roosevelt’s “Brazil and the Negro” in the Outlook. The story which he has to tell is simple: There are… 808 words
1914 (Apr) Does Organization Pay?  408 words
1914 (Apr) Veiled Insults We have spoken before of the custom in the United States of refusing to capitalize the word “Negro.” 314 words
1914 (Apr) Of the Children of Peace Come, all my father’s children, and sit beside my knee, here with this child of mine, and listen: 810 words
1914 (May) The Burden of Black Women Dark daughter of the lotus leaves that watch the Southern sea, 634 words
1914 (May) A Correspondence The General Federation of (white) Women’s Clubs sent a representative to the meeting of the National Association of Colored Women at Wilberforce, and the magazine of the… 637 words
1914 (May) World War and the Color Line Many colored persons, and persons interested in them, may easily make the mistake of supposing that the present war is far removed from the color problem of America and that… 1,200 words
1914 (May) A Question of Policy and The Philosophy of Mr. Dole The Editor of The Crisis: 2,342 words
1914 (Jun) Murder We are preening ourselves as a nation because we are now at peace while civilized Europe is at war; but we must remember that the wars of peace are often quite as horrible… 219 words
1914 (Jun) Y.M.C.A We gave last month considerable space to the wonderful work of the colored Y.M.C.A. It is an extraordinary growth and the colored secretaries like Mr. Hunton and… 288 words
1914 (Jun) William Monroe Trotter William Monroe Trotter is a brave man. Of his fearlessness and his unselfish devotion to the highest interests of the Negro race there can be no doubt. 212 words
1914 (Jun) The Christmas Prayers of God Name of God’s Name!
973 words
1914 (Jun) Supreme Court It is possible for the Supreme Court within the next few months to go far toward settling the race problem in the United States. We confess we have little hope that the… 206 words
1914 (Jun) The Election The chief matter of comfort to colored folk in the late election is the more evenly balanced power of the two great parties resulting from it. Neither Republicans nor… 138 words
1914 (Jun) Negro There are indications that the custom of extending courtesy to 150,000,000 of human beings by capitalizing the racial name which is most in use, is slowly increasing. The… 154 words
1914 (Jun) The Congressmen and the NAACP Mr. Peter Ten Eyke, representative from the 28th district, New York, writes: “It is my advice to you to drop agitating the things which you have outlined in your letter… 1,654 words
1914 (Jun) Mexico There is, without doubt, a deep hesitancy throughout this nation in the matter of war with Mexico. This was not true when we gaily Cuba and benevolently assimilated the… 229 words
1914 (Jun) Senators’ Records During the debate in the Senate of the United States on the joint resolution proposing to amend the Constitution by extending the suffrage to women, the race question… 613 words
1915 (Jan) Education The quiet insidious persistent attempt to keep the mass of the Negroes in America in just sufficient ignorance to render them incapable of realizing their power or resisting… 1,487 words
1915 (Jan) Agility Mrs. O.H.P. Belmont is coming in for considerable praise on account of her facile answer to a disturbing question while she was campaigning for suffrage in the South. At… 329 words
1915 (Feb) Frank The Frank case only offers illustration of the truth that in the South all things may be brought about by an appeal to prejudice. This case differs from similar cases… 255 words
1915 (Feb) The Lynching Industry The Crisis is interested to report that the standard American industry of lynching colored men has flourished during the year 1914. There is, of course, the usual difference… 1,502 words
1915 (Feb) Suffrage and Women The woman suffrage movement this year needs special protection against its fool friends. One friend of suffrage has issued a circular asking if the New York electorate would… 114 words
1915 (Feb) The President It is difficult to see how any clear-minded American can longer doubt the insincerity of President Wilson so far as the American Negro is concerned. With those of us who… 347 words
1915 (Mar) Young It is peculiarly fitting that Major Charles Young should be the second Negro American to receive the Spingarn medal. Major Young was born in Kentucky and educated in Ohio… 412 words
1915 (Mar) Preparedness In the presence of a world gone stark mad it seems of little use to talk of anything but war. Yet we wonder if a voice out of the South may not possibly call our war-mad… 415 words
1915 (Mar) A Pageant In 1913 and since there have been several celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation, however, only proclaimed… 553 words
1915 (Mar) Colored Chicago It is said that the first cabin in the present confines of Chicago was built by a San Domingan Negro in 1779. To-day there are 50,000 persons of Negro descent in this city… 795 words
1915 (Mar) Other Organizations We have received in a number of cases recently complaint that in mentioning the work and protests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People we have… 206 words
1915 (Mar) Some Chicagoans of Note It is a difficult task to single out for mention some of the colored people in Chicago who have made a mark in the world. First and foremost our limited space makes it quite… 1,641 words
1915 (Mar) Hayti Let us save Hayti. Hayti is a noble nation. It is a nation that has given the world one of its greatest names—Toussaint L’Ouverture. It is a nation that made slaves free. It… 251 words
1915 (Mar) The Grandfather Clause The white southern oligarchy is laughing silently behind its hand. Two decades’ years ago it faced a dilemma. A wretched Negro public school system (which has since grown… 324 words
1915 (Mar) The White Christ It seems fair to judge the christianity of white folk by two present day developments: the World War and “Billy” Sunday. As to the widespread and costly murder that is being… 297 words
1915 (Mar) An Old Folks’ Home It is noticeable that the number of colored people asking charity in hard times like the present is much less than the great poverty of the race would lead one to expect.… 380 words
1915 (Mar) Organization If the Negroes of the United States want to know what organization is and what it can accomplish along racial lines they should buy the American Jewish Year Book. This… 451 words
1915 (Apr) Hayti The United States has violated the independence of a sister state. With absolutely no adequate excuse she has made a white American Admiral sole and irresponsible dictator… 249 words
1915 (Apr) Woman Suffrage In the fall of 1915 the colored voters of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are going to be asked for their opinion on the enfranchisement of women. There… 242 words
1915 (Apr) The Immediate Program of the American Negro The immediate program of the American Negro means nothing unless it is mediate to his great ideal and the ultimate ends of his development. We need not waste time by seeking… 1,954 words
1915 (May) The Risk of Woman Suffrage The August number of The Crisis contained an interesting symposium on woman suffrage. The symposium was unusual, in that it involved only one side of a disputed issue. The… 1,024 words
1915 (May) We Come of Age Five years ago this month the first number of The Crisis was issued. It was a very modest little edition consisting of one thousand copies with twenty pages each. The total… 235 words
1915 (May) Woman Suffrage This month 200,000 Negro voters will be called upon to vote on the question of giving the right of suffrage to women. The Crisissincerely trusts that everyone of them will… 790 words
1915 (May) The Republicans Very quietly and on tiptoe the Republican Party has completed its disfranchisement of Negro delegates in the South. On February 1st Mr. James B. Reynolds, secretary of the… 164 words
1915 (May) Peace The various efforts toward peace show with singular unanimity either the utter inability or the determined refusal of the peace advocates to consider race prejudice as the… 158 words
1915 (May) Credit Again and again when men unite to some great end and accomplish all or a part of that toward which they aim, there arises an astonishing and often disreputable scramble for… 358 words
1915 (May) The Fourteenth Amendment A correspondent asks us “in view of the explicit and imperative terms of the Fourteenth Amendment is it not the binding duty of Congress to cut down southern representation… 106 words
1915 (Jun) The Star of Ethiopia I wrote it four years ago. I called it, or rather it called itself by various names. Finally it decided to be called “The Star of Ethiopia.” I acquiesced. My friends looked… 1,168 words
1915 (Jun) The Elections In the general results of last month’s elections there is not much to interest the American Negro but there are several significant points. First, the Vote for Woman… 281 words
1915 (Jun) Booker T. Washington The death of Mr. Washington marks an epoch in the history of America. He was the greatest Negro leader since Frederick Douglass, and the most distinguished man, white or… 419 words
1915 (Jun) Haiti At first, inquiries at the White House concerning the intentions of the United States in Haiti were appeased by reference to the proclamation of the southern-born admiral… 537 words
1915 (Jun) An Open Letter To the People of the United States: 1,420 words
1915 (Jun) Lusitania The last horror of a horrible war is come! It puts a period to what we have already said: European civilization has failed. Its failure did not come with this war but with… 300 words
1915 (Jun) An Amazing Island AN AMAZING ISLAND 641 words
1916 (Feb) That Capital ‘N’ From time to time persons write us for a brief statement of the reasons for capitalizing the word Negro. 337 words
1916 (Feb) Germany Someone writes to ask what the effect on the Negro will be if Germany should triumph in the present war. We do not for a moment pretend that the German people are ogres and… 362 words
1916 (Feb) Lies Agreed Upon To many men history is a matter of convention and prejudice. Current Literature, for instance, succeeds in writing two whole pages on “rag-time” without mentioning the Negro… 237 words
1916 (Feb) An Open Letter to Robert Russa Moton The Crisis hastens to extend to you on your accession to the headship of Tuskegee the assurances of its good will and personal respect. The Crisis does this all the more… 779 words
1916 (Feb) The Drama Among Black Folk Hear ye, hear ye! Men of all the Americas, and listen to the tale of the Eldest and Strongest of the Races of men whose faces be Black. Hear ye, hear ye! For lo! Upon this… 1,842 words
1916 (Feb) Ireland Few colored people know or realize what Ireland has suffered at the hands of England. On the other hand, the open dislike of Irish and colored people in the United States… 207 words
1916 (Feb) Carrizal Carrizal was a glory and a blunder, a joke and a crucifixion; a blunder on the part of a President who sent an army on a fool’s errand and on the part of a gay, young… 200 words
1916 (Mar) The Negro Public School A phrase in the December Crisis has led to some inquiry as to what we mean by the “decline” of the Negro public school. Perhaps our meaning can best be illustrated by two or… 375 words
1916 (Mar) The Cherokee Fires: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation Cherokee County, Georgia, suffered four incendiary fires during the twenty-four hours commencing at one-thirty on the morning of Sunday, December 5, 1915. At that hour two… 3,495 words
1916 (Mar) St. Louis Colored St. Louis and its friends are today fighting for life and breath. It has been a fight not simply against the enemy, but also an inner fight. This is as it must be… 491 words
1916 (Mar) Brandeis There seems to be a chance to put a modern man on the Bench of the Supreme Court. We have had some fine Judges there. We have had a few men like the late Justice Harlan who… 186 words
1916 (Mar) Conduct, Not Color A number of papers have been repeating a recent dictum that it is conduct, not color, that counts in the advance of the Negro race. We wish this were the truth; but it is… 91 words
1916 (Mar) The Battle of Europe The war is still with us, has almost become a commonplace, and yet there is no thinking man who does not send his mind two years back and remember the assurance with which… 500 words
1916 (Mar) The Colored Audience Let us be frank. The colored audience as I have seen it recently in the colored theatres of large cities is not above reproach. We are an appreciative people certainly, but… 235 words
1916 (Apr) The Church This is a critical day for the Christian church. The white church of Christ finds itself in a position which gives the lie to many of its finest professions. It is a church… 374 words
1916 (Apr) Peonage The picture on the opposite page is authentic. It was taken in Lee County, Ga., where on January 20 five were taken from the jail, rushed into the adjoining county in… 897 words
1916 (Apr) Three Churches Nothing will better illustrate the exact work of the Negro church in America than three notable examples: the Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church of New Haven, Conn.; the… 836 words
1916 (Apr) Intermarriage There are those who from time to time suggest that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and The Crisis go far afield in opposing laws to prohibit… 233 words
1916 (Apr) Cowardice No colored man can read an account of the recent lynching at Gainesville, Fla., without being ashamed of his people. 352 words
1916 (Apr) The Presidential Campaign The Negro voter enters the present campaign with no enthusiasm. Four years ago the intelligent Negro voter tried a great and important experiment. He knew that the rank and… 256 words
1916 (Apr) The Negro Party There is for the future one and only one effective political move for colored voters. We have long foreseen it, have sought to avoid it. It is a move of segregation, it… 408 words
1916 (Apr) Migration It has long been the custom of colored leaders to advise the colored people to stay in the South. This has been supplemented by the startling information on the part of… 314 words
1916 (May) The Pageant One hundred years ago, in 1816, the first General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church met in Philadelphia. The first movement toward the founding of this… 227 words
1916 (May) The Pageant One hundred years ago, in 1816, the first General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church met in Philadelphia. The first movement toward the founding of this… 227 words
1916 (May) To the Rescue The colored troops are leading in the Mexican foray. It is a foolish venture. Just the kind of mistake that we are beginning to think is characteristic of the Wilson… 147 words
1916 (May) Public Schools Our good friend, the decrepit Charleston News and Courier says: “DuBois would like to employ the schools for breaking down social lines, and that is a dream which will never… 240 words
1916 (May) Social Equality The Southern white man who writes the Outlook editorials on the Negro said recently: “The social intimacy (or so-called social equality that some disloyal Negroes have… 331 words
1916 (May) Public Schools Our good friend, the decrepit Charleston News and Courier says: “DuBois would like to employ the schools for breaking down social lines, and that is a dream which will never… 240 words
1916 (May) Southern Civilization The new Encyclopedia Britannica has listed the States of the Union according to the number of sets of that monumental work which have been sold in proportion to population.… 348 words
1916 (May) Mr. Hughes We are sorry that Mr. Charles Evans Hughes has not found opportunity to answer the courteous and pertinent letter printed on page 16 and sent him nearly a month ago. 200 words
1916 (May) Presidential Candidates The following letter was sent to Honorable Charles Evans Hughes, September 28, 1916: 662 words
1916 (Jun) Tenements We sincerely trust that individuals and organizations friendly to the Negro are not going to be led into segregation schemes and ghetto plans by organized real estate… 301 words
1916 (Jun) Deception One of the unforgivable things about the southern white press is the way in which it deliberately deceives its readers as to the attitude of civilized communities toward… 270 words
1916 (Jun) Consolation Colored folk can always get a dubious sort of consolation in knowing that they have not always had a monopoly of the attentions of the discourteous and the cruel. At a… 464 words
1916 (Jun) Refinement and Love A colored girl writes us from Oswego, N. Y., saying: 327 words
1916 (Jun) Muddle Nothing can better illustrate our meaning when we spoke last month of the need of political education among colored people, than the attitude of a few Negroes toward the… 265 words
1917 (Jan) Schools What is to become of the secondary and higher Negro schools that are not smiled upon by the ring of rich philanthropists represented by the General Education Board and like… 365 words
1917 (Jan) Promoting Race Prejudice Race prejudice is not so much a matter of startling deeds as of petty insinuations. The New York Community Chorus, for instance, has sent broadcast a statement which says… 258 words
1917 (Jan) Justice A gentleman, unnamed, but with a card that assured us that he represented the Department of Justice at Washington, has called upon The Crisis. He said he was looking for… 223 words
1917 (Jan) Memphis or East St. Louis? We seem to hear four voices screaming above the mobs of Memphis and East St. Louis—Why will Negroes be Scabs, Why will Negroes Stay in the South, How Can We Stop Negro… 668 words
1917 (Feb) Curtains of Pain Above the Hill where St. John’s Divine Cathedral raises its bald and mighty arch, hang the Curtains of Pain, grey and purplish as they sweep the Hill, but glowing above with… 202 words
1917 (Feb) The Present We are facing a new world. Never again are we going to cope with the same conditions and the same social forces that we have faced in the last half-century. There will be in… 198 words
1917 (Feb) Roosevelt Greeting, Theodore Roosevelt! Forgotten is Brownsville! Forgotten is the misbirth of the Progressive Party! We only remember to-day that of all Americans mouthing of Liberty… 154 words
1917 (Mar) Civilization in the South An interesting exchange of letters has appeared in the New York Nation in which a Canadian has taken the South severely to task for lynching and for its pretended excuses… 630 words
1917 (Mar) The Attempted Lynching of Lube Martin: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation Lube Martin is a colored man who lives at Murray, Calloway County, Ky., in the regions where the night riders have had full sway. In the same city lived a white man, Guthrie… 655 words
1917 (Mar) The Tuskegee Resolutions As to the resolutions of the Tuskegee conference touching the migration of Negro labor to the North the Crisis confesses itself to have been in a quandary for the simple… 296 words
1917 (Mar) The Massacre in East St. Louis The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, sent Martha Gruening and W. E. Burghardt Du Bois to East St. Louis, as special… 10,633 words
1917 (Mar) The Negro Silent Parade On the afternoon of Saturday July 28, a vast body of Negroes marched through the streets of New York in silent protest against the recent race riots and outrages. The New… 1,506 words
1917 (Mar) Awake America Awake! Put on they strength, America—put on thy beautiful robes. Become not a bye word and jest among the nations by the hypocrisy of your word and contradiction of your… 388 words
1917 (Mar) The Black Bastille There is in Paris a place where once a notorious prison stood—the Bastille. For many years from the beginning of its erection in 1369, it lowered, a stronghold of cruelty… 379 words
1917 (Mar) East St. Louis Let no one fear that in the economic development of the American Negro East St. Louis is not a bubble. Its significance is simply the shame of American democracy and the… 163 words
1917 (Mar) More Suggestions We spoke last month of the great call for team work on the part of American Negroes and the pressing necessity of turning that team work toward helping us to earn a living. 340 words
1917 (Apr) The South One feels the ground swell and the restless, persistent motion; little new sky-scrapers rise suddenly like warts in little cities; “Suburban developments” crown bare hills;… 111 words
1917 (Apr) The Perpetual Dilemma We Negroes ever face it. 538 words
1917 (Apr) Houston It is difficult for one of Negro blood to write of Houston. Is not the ink within the very wells crimsoned with the blood of black martyrs? Do they not cry unavenged… 405 words
1917 (Apr) Consecration In the patois of his very religious speech the Negro is about to lose the real significance of a fine word—Consecration; and back of it all a finer idea. As it is, we have… 473 words
1917 (May) The White Church Several white ministers of New York City have recently been assailing the Negro “invasion of Harlem.” The color question,” they say, “is a great menace to us.” In something… 377 words
1917 (May) Register and Vote It is of prime necessity that the colored people of the South should begin to break down the “white primary.” The NAACP proposes to take the matter of the “white primary”… 337 words
1917 (May) The Migration The migration of Negro laborers from South to North continues as it should. Southern white papers are filled with contradictory statements; to-day, with editorials… 167 words
1917 (May) Naval Ruler When the United States takes possession of foreign territory it sends to govern it a naval officer. But, naval officers are not trained to govern. They are trained to fight!… 122 words
1917 (May) Loyalty Nothing better illustrates the attitude of the Bourbon South than the recent tales about German propaganda among Negroes. 269 words
1917 (May) A Moral Void There can be no doubt bit that the South is lacking in certain moral stamina which must be found among successful, forward-striving people. Recently, for instance, the press… 388 words
1917 (Jun) Victory Minneapolis Branch and friends of the Northwest join in grateful thanks and congratulations to you, Storey, Spingarn, Villard, and army of leaders, and friends who secured…

259 words
1917 (Jun) Baker Let us raise our hats to Newton Diehl Baker, Secretary of War. He has not done everything we could wish, but he has accomplished so much more than President Wilson or any… 309 words
1917 (Jun) The Second Coming Three bishops sat in San Francisco, New Orleans and New York, peering gloomily into three flickering fires which cast and recast shuddering shadows on book-lined walls.… 980 words
1917 (Jun) The Migration of Negroes Much has been written of the recent migration of colored people from the South to the North, but there have been very few attempts to give a definite, coherent picture of… 2,023 words
1917 (Jun) Resolutions of the Washington Conference The representatives of Negro organizations embracing many millions of men, together with their friends and fellow workers of other races, deem it fitting at this critical… 897 words
1917 (Jun) We Should Worry The American Negro more unanimously than any other American group has offered his services in this war as officer and soldier. He has done this earnestly and unselfishly… 369 words
1917 (Jun) Officers Give us Negro officers for Negro troops. This is the slogan and let no specious argument turn us from it. Liars tell us that only white men can lead black men, and they tell… 610 words
1918 (Jan) The Common School Much mist and misunderstanding has been consciously and unconsciously put in the colored public mind by recent discussions of the schools. We colored people must, however… 756 words
1918 (Jan) Philanthropy and Self Help The Negro race in America owes a mighty debt, first, to that army of teachers that followed the emancipating hosts of the Civil War and taught the colored people until they… 812 words
1918 (Jan) Close Ranks This is The Crisis of the world. 190 words
1918 (Jan) Thirteen The have gone to their death. Thirteen young, strong men; soldiers who have fought for a country which never was wholly theirs; men born to suffer ridicule, injustice, and… 163 words
1918 (Jan) Thirteen Efficiency 245 words
1918 (Feb) A Philosophy in Time of War FIRST, This is Our Country: 570 words
1918 (Feb) Tillman It can hardly be expected that any Negro would regret the death of Benjamin L. Tillman, Senator from South Carolina. His attacks on our race have been too unbridled and… 223 words
1918 (Feb) Help Us to Help From the petition of thirty-one Negro editors unanimously adopted at their meeting in Washington: 438 words
1918 (Feb) Food War necessities may teach the Negro some salutary lessons. For a long time it has been known that as a race we eat too much meat, especially pork, and are ruining our… 196 words
1918 (Feb) The Railroads The Railroads. 224 words
1918 (Feb) The Burning at Dyersburg: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation Sunday, December 2, 1917, immediately after the adjournment of church services, a human being was tortured and burned at the stake in the heart of the town of Dyersburg… 3,200 words
1918 (Feb) Negro Education The casual reader has greeted this study1 of Negro education with pleasure. It is the first attempt to cover the field of secondary and higher education among colored… 3,910 words
1918 (Feb) The Shadow of Years The most disquieting sign of my mounting years is a certain garrulity about myself, quite foreign to my young days. I find a growing tendency to fix innocent listeners with… 3,312 words
1918 (Mar) A Momentous Proposal A plan of far-reaching constructive effort to satisfy the pressing grievances of colored Americans has been under serious consideration by the military authorities at… 502 words
1918 (Mar) Our Special Grievances The leading editorial in the July Crisis, called “Close Ranks,” has been the subject of much comment. To a few it has seemed to indicate some change of position on the part… 427 words
1918 (Mar) The Work of a Mob An investigation by Walter F. White, Assistant Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia. 2,346 words
1918 (Mar) The Reward Certain honest thinkers among us hesitate at that last sentence. They say it is all well to be idealistic, but is it not true that while we have fought our country’s battles… 410 words
1918 (Mar) The Black Man and the Unions I am among the few colored men who have tried conscientiously to bring about understanding and co-operation between American Negroes and the Labor Unions. I have sought to… 749 words
1918 (Mar) Crime Strong and ever stronger elements among the white Methodists are determined to consummate one of the greatest crimes against the Negro race since slavery. In order to unite… 460 words
1918 (Apr) The Slaughter of the Innocents Again the rolling of the years brings us to the annual Children’s Number. Attention has been called this year especially to the child and the United States Government has… 264 words
1918 (Apr) Blease, Vardaman, Hardwick and Company It is no mere coincidence that the President of the United States in publicly naming those who have opposed his administration and made his war program difficult should name… 237 words
1918 (Apr) Houston The commutation of ten death sentences of Negro soldiers by the President and his word of recognition of Negro loyalty are deeply appreciated. Nevertheless, the punishment… 127 words
1918 (Apr) School This is school month. Send the children to school. Do not be tempted to keep them at work because they are earning large wages. The race is to the intelligent and not merely… 112 words
1918 (Apr) The Boy Over There Listen, O Sister and Brother of Mine. Have you a Boy “over there?” Some slim, young fellow, brown of face and dark of eye, with the Eternal Joy of God on his lips? I have.… 349 words
1918 (Apr) Houston and East St. Louis The park is maintained by taxes on 70,000 whites and 40,000 Negroes. A few blocks from this park Policeman Sparks shot Corporal Baltimore and started the riot. Baltimore was… 726 words
1918 (Apr) Attention Field Artillery has become a highly specialized instrument of great precision. Front line trenches are frequently less than a hundred yards apart and nothing discourages… 490 words
1918 (Apr) The Republican Party If any Negro has a lingering hope that the Republican Party has learned anything recently let him straightway give it up. The Republican National Committee at St. Louis… 143 words
1918 (May) The Burning of Jim Mc Ilherron: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation By Walter F. White, Assistant Secretary 3,317 words
1918 (May) Houston: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation The primary cause of the Houston riot was the habitual brutality of the white police officers of Houston in their treatment of colored people. Contributing causes were (1)… 4,500 words
1918 (May) Co-Operation The Crisis has now for several months been developing a program looking toward an economic forward movement among the Negroes of the United States. The matter has been… 660 words
1918 (May) Votes for Women Some 75,000 Negro voters in the State of New York will be asked to decide this month as to whether or not they are willing that women should have the vote in this State. It… 629 words
1918 (May) The Oath of the Negro Voter As one of the Earth’s Disowned I swear to hold my Ballot as the sacred pawn of Liberty for all mankind and for my prisoned race. 472 words
1918 (May) Hampton The death of Hollis Burke Frissell, principal of Hampton Institute, brings that institution and its work prominently before the public. It is, therefore, peculiarly fitting… 1,287 words
1919 (Jan) Reconstruction This is a program of reconstruction within the Negro race in America, after the the revolution of world war. In Education we must take up the problem of the colored child in… 685 words
1919 (Jan) Jim Crow We colored folk stand at the parting of ways, and we must take counsel. The objection to segregation and “Jim-Crowism” was in other days the fact that compelling Ne­groes to… 570 words
1919 (Jan) The Future of Africa In the early days of the European War Dr. W. E. Burghardt Du Bois wrote an article for the Atlantic Monthly on “The African Roots of War.” Of the many discussions of the… 1,370 words
1919 (Feb) Reconstruction and Africa The suggestion has been made that these colonies which Germany has lost should not be handed over to any other nation of Europe but should, under the guidance of organized… 471 words
1919 (Feb) Africa Europe had begun to look with covetous eyes toward Africa as early as 1415 when the Portuguese at the Battle of Ceuta gained a foothold in Morocco. Thereafter Prince Henry… 486 words
1919 (Mar) Labor Omnia Vincit Labor conquers all things—but slowly, O, so slowly. Ever the weary worldlings seek some easier, quicker way—the Way of Wealth, of Privilege, of Chance, of Power; but in the… 406 words
1919 (Mar) The American Legion The American Legion is composed, as President Wilson tells us, of “the men who have served in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, and who are now banding together to preserve… 327 words
1919 (Mar) Forward We black folk easily drift into intellectual provincialism. We know our problem and tend to radical thought in its solution, but do we strive to know the problems of other… 434 words
1919 (Mar) Signs from the South There are signs—faint and few, but hopeful—that the South is slowly learning the inevitable lesson that no true democracy can be confined to a sex or a race and live. 279 words
1919 (Mar) The Riots: An N.A.A.C.P. Investigation I reached Washington early in the evening of July 22. As the train neared the capital I could feel the tenseness of the situation grow. It showed itself in the air of the… 1,969 words
1919 (Mar) Let us Reason Together Brothers we are on the Great Deep. We have cast off on the vast voyage which will lead to Freedom or Death. 451 words
1919 (Mar) The Black Man in the Revolution of 1914-1918 As announced in the December, 1918, Crisis the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has undertaken to see that a scientific and exhaustive history of… 2,892 words
1919 (Mar) Memorandum to M. Diagne and Others on a Pan-African Congress to be held in Paris in February, 1919 Gentlemen: 676 words
1919 (Apr) Balls The Crisis noted with exceeding interest last summer four social gatherings; there were doubtless many others, but these came especially under our eye: the balls of the… 194 words
1919 (Apr) The True Brownies The Children’s Crisis has been published annually for nine years and is easily the most popular number of the year—that is, it makes the widest appeal to our readers. This… 574 words
1919 (Apr) Shillady and Texas There was once a man who said that if he owned Hell and Texas, he would prefer to rent out Texas and live in Hell. He may have exaggerated, but he had some supporting facts… 536 words
1919 (Apr) The War History We are happy to announce that The Crisis’ “History of the Negro in the Revolution of 1914-1918” is progressing favorably. Two volumes are already planned. The first will be… 417 words
1919 (Apr) The Riot at Longview, Texas Comparatively few people know of the race riot which was a precursor of the more serious outbreaks in Washington, Chicago and Knoxville. Last June, at Longview, in the state… 1,070 words
1919 (Apr) Chicago and Its Eight Reasons Many causes have been assigned for the three days of race rioting, from July 27 to 30 in Chicago, each touching some particular phase of the general condition that led up to… 2,561 words
1919 (Apr) Byrnes You have, perhaps, noticed our double-page advertisement in the Congressional Record, due to the kindness of our good friend James Francis Byrnes, of South Carolina.… 424 words
1919 (Apr) For What My God! For what am I thankful this night? For nothing. For nothing but the most commonplace of commonplaces; a table of gentlewomen and gentlemen—soft-spoken… 239 words
1919 (May) My Mission I went to Paris because today the destinies of mankind center there. Make no mistake as to this, my readers. Podunk may easily persuade itself that only Podunk matters and… 1,252 words
1919 (May) To Mr. Emmett Scott The Negro world and you will bear us witness that The Crisis and its Editor has given you loyal and unselfish co-operation, even at the cost of suspicion and criticism. We… 189 words
1919 (May) Returning Soldiers We are returning from war! The Crisis and tens of thousands of black men were drafted into a great struggle. For bleeding France and what she means and has meant and will… 602 words
1919 (May) Robert R. Moton Neither R. R. Moton nor W. E. B. Du Bois had the slightest idea that the other was planning to sail for France, December 1, until they met in Washington on a quest for… 735 words
1919 (May) Soldiers Slowly but surely the effort of the Government to satisfy just Negro public opinion increases: The registration card for the selective draft omits the inexcusable… 391 words
1919 (May) The Colored Voter This is the month of elections. The colored people have long had the habit of considering that the so-called “off-year” in elections is of little importance, and that the… 364 words
1919 (May) Letters Letters 251 words
1919 (May) Flaming Arrows It was a tremendous speech that Woodrow Wilson made in New York City, September 27, 1918. On one point alone was its meaning vague to us of the darker world, who listened… 264 words
1919 (May) Patriotism Curious, indeed, has been the transformation in the souls of most Americans during this war. Before the war nobody loved America. The very phrase seemed maudlin and… 394 words
1919 (May) Heroes We stand with uncovered heads before the tens of thousands of black men and women of the South who are fighting the real battle of Freedom. They are striking no blows — they… 241 words
1919 (May) A Statement At no previous period in the history of the Negro in America has he been confronted with a more critical situation than today. The forces of prejudice against which we are… 317 words
1919 (May) Social Equality Every time the American Negro seeks reasonably and earnestly to bring his case before the white South and the nation the bourbons proceed to throw dust in the eyes of the… 191 words
1919 (May) The League of Nations The colored folk want the League of Nations. The proposed League is not the best conceivable—indeed, in some respects it is the worst. But the worst International is better… 256 words
1919 (Jun) An Essay Toward a History of the Black Man in the Great War The mayor of Domfront stood in the village inn, high on the hill that hovers green in the blue sky of Normandy; and he sang as we sang: “Allons, enfants de la patrie!” God!… 15,927 words
1919 (Jun) Egypt and India The sympathy of Black America must of necessity go out to colored India and colored Egypt. Their forefathers were ancient friends, cousins, bloodbrothers, in the hoary ages… 270 words
1919 (Jun) Steve He was a lank puppy when he came—long, and dull gold on his crinkly hair, furtive and frightened, but his eyes were the eyes of the Crucified Christ. The Girl took him in… 715 words
1919 (Jun) The Ballot We hail as prophetic the swan-song of Senator Thomas William Hardwick, of Georgia. He entered Congress in 1903, on a platform calling for the repeal of the Fifteenth… 526 words
1919 (Jun) The Flight into Egypt You remember, do you not?—the beautiful Bible story in the simple words of Matthew, telling of the departure of the Three Wise Men: 339 words
1919 (Jun) Peace The nightmare is over. The world awakes. The long, horrible years of dreadful night are passed. Behold the sun! We have dreamed. Frightfully have we dreamed unimagined… 185 words
1919 (Jun) Radicals Southerners in Congress with the aid of the Attorney General are seeking some way to stop outspoken criticism by Negroes of the southern oligarchy. They are cloaking their… 331 words
1919 (Jun) The Real Causes of Two Race Riots The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has never been enforced thoroughly. This means that involuntary servitude is still wide spread in the… 4,351 words
1919 (Jun) The Gospel According to Mary Brown She was very small and pretty and black and lived in the cabin beyond the Big Road and down the lane by the creek, where one field on field of green cotton was flowering in… 1,154 words
1919 (Jun) The Negro Soldier The carefully arranged attack on the Negro soldier, delayed and somewhat disarranged by The Crisis’ revelation in May and June, was at last launched in Harvey’s Weekly. The… 576 words
1919 (Jun) Votes Make no mistake: the greatest Negro problem is Votes for Negroes. Everything else is secondary. Moreover, we have votes. There are two million Negroes in the North and… 423 words
1920 (Jan) The Macon Telegraph The Macon, Georgia, Daily Telegraph, a widely-read white publication, has often done The Crisis the honor of quoting and criticizing its words. Some of these remarks we have… 1,210 words
1920 (Jan) England I was reared in an atmosphere of admiration—almost of veneration—for England. The New England of my birth and day was English in its soul: its speech was more English than… 759 words
1920 (Jan) Brothers, Come North The migration of Negroes from South to North continues and ought to continue. The North is no paradise—as East St. Louis, Washington, Chicago, and Omaha prove; but the South… 703 words
1920 (Jan) Sex Equality The Department of Justice has discovered a new crime,—“Sex Equality.” This is not, as one might presume, equality of men and women, but it is the impudence of a man of Negro… 326 words
1920 (Jan) “Our” South One of the surprising self-deceptions of the white Southerners is illustrated by this story of the war: Because of its large Negro working population, a government… 231 words
1920 (Jan) Race Pride Our friends are hard—very hard—to please. Only yesterday they were preaching fm! “Race Pride.” “Go to!” they said, and be PROUD of your race. If we hesitated or sought to… 407 words
1920 (Jan) American Legion, Again The American Legion is a national organization destined to be one of the most powerful instruments of public opinion and action in the United States. It is absolutely… 233 words
1920 (Feb) Pettiness “God save us from petty things!” prayed the Wise Man. Once upon a time some of our girls planned a party in honor of Kate. They asked for a list of her friends. Among others… 169 words
1920 (Feb) Clothes It was in a Southern city and the white people were on the one and favorite subject—the “Nig-ra.” This time it was health, a safe and absorbing subject. They were told of… 138 words
1920 (Feb) Leadership Many a good cause has been killed by suspected leadership. For a thousand years, the world had dreamed of a Nation of Nations. Ever since the fall of Imperial Rome, the need… 294 words
1920 (Feb) A Matter of Manners At the time of the Chicago riots, Medill McCormack, United States Congressman from Illinois, was reported as follows in an interview: 584 words
1920 (Feb) The Unfortunate South Mankind at best is poor, ignorant, and disappointing. He falls so far below his own ideals that he easily loses faith in himself when he looks squarely into his own eyes.… 196 words
1920 (Feb) Coöperation Several coöperative efforts are starting among colored people. Probably today, there are fifty or more local efforts. Most of them are sporadic, and will fail. Some few are… 368 words
1920 (Feb) Danger The Sterling Bill (S 3,317) has passed the Senate and is before the House. The Graham Bill, (H.R. 11,430), has been favorably reported by the House Committee. Both bills are… 251 words
1920 (Feb) Crime We are not for a moment denying the existence of a criminal class among Negroes, who are guilty of deeds of violence. Every race in the world has such groups. No human… 699 words
1920 (Feb) The House of Jacob Where is the chief seat of lawlessness in this land? 256 words
1920 (Feb) Arkansas A desperate attempt is being made by white people in Arkansas, to prove their love and care for the Negro and to deny that the lawlessness in Phillips County was a “race… 270 words
1920 (Mar) Murder Will Out Slowly, too slowly, and yet with inevitable sureness the meaning of the South in American civilization is becoming clear to the blindest. T.W. O’Connor, President of the… 248 words
1920 (Mar) The Rise of the West Indian In 1880 there were 14,017 foreign born Negroes in the United States. This number increased slowly to 19,979 in 1890 and 20,336 in 1900. Then sudvdenly it doubled in a single… 492 words
1920 (Mar) Forward The reaction of war is upon us. For two terrible years and for four others the world has been raised to heights of intense spiritual and physical turmoil amounting at times… 293 words
1920 (Mar) How Shall We Vote The present campaign places the Negro voter,—and indeed all American voters—in a difficult position. Four parties ask our votes. 395 words
1920 (Mar) A Soldier Do you want this boy to be hanged? 122 words
1920 (Mar) Dives, Mob, and Scab He sat in a massive arm-chair, before a carved mahogany desk. Beneath him lay a Turkish rug, and behind him, through the window, one saw his steel mills, minting millions. 388 words
1920 (Mar) Just Like—Folks The Negroes, in our natural, present state of hyper-criticism say, among ourselves, “just like colored folks” when something is muddled or forgotten or goes distressingly… 270 words
1920 (Mar) Unrest O God! 88 words
1920 (Mar) Woman Suffrage Thirty-one states, with a population of 681,325 colored women, 21 years of age and over, in 1910, and at least 750,000 today, have ratified the proposed Woman Suffrage… 536 words
1920 (Mar) England, Again Two criticisms have been made of the editorial on England in the January number of The Crisis. One writer reminds us of the great work of emancipation and the suppression of… 1,022 words
1920 (Mar) Again, Social Equality Mr. Paleface entered his parlor mincingly,—“My dear man,” he said, expressively. 570 words
1920 (Mar) Information Wanted Last summer, Negro farmers in Arkansas organized the “Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America,” to better their condition. Robert L. Hill, a farmer, was one of… 231 words
1920 (Apr) Persecution The Crisis has said nothing concerning the extraordinary persecution of Roscoe Conkling Bruce in Washington. No one can accuse The Crisis of being partisan to Mr. Bruce… 637 words
1920 (Apr) In Black It was in Chicago. John Haynes Holmes was talking. 539 words
1920 (Apr) Remember The foundations of the present political South are built upon sand. It requires only a resolute executive in the White House and a free House of Representatives; then when… 180 words
1920 (Apr) Southern Representatives The conditions under which a person is allowed to vote under our government, is left in the hands of the states, with only two limitations: 285 words
1920 (Apr) Negro Writers Since its founding, The Crisis has been eager to discover ability among Negroes, especially in literature and art. It remembers with no little pride its covers by Richard… 323 words
1920 (Apr) Of Giving Work “We give you people work and if we didn’t, how would you live?” 345 words
1920 (Apr) Every Four Years Every four years the disgrace of the buying up of certain delegates for the Republican convention is repeated in the Southern South. In South Carolina, Georgia, Florida… 338 words
1920 (Apr) Hyde Park A crowed of white profiteers in the Hyde Park division of the city of Chicago publish a Property Owners’ Journal and are moving heaven and earth to get Negroes voluntarily… 182 words
1920 (Apr) Haiti The United States is at war with Haiti. Congress has never sanctioned this war. Josephus Daniels has illegally and unjustly occupied a free foreign land and murdered its… 116 words
1920 (May) Extradition Cases Extradition cases where northern governors are refusing to return colored prisoners to Southern States on account of the prevalence of lynching and mob rule, are… 183 words
1920 (May) Get Ready Woman Suffrage is coming. Make no mistake about that. This month possibly, this year certainly will see sex discrimination in voting swept away from the United States. Are… 332 words
1920 (May) White Co-Workers There is one charge against the N.A.A.C.P. which is made, now openly and now by veiled innuendo, which it is necessary to answer plainly. It is said that this Association is… 1,235 words
1920 (May) Atlanta We go to Atlanta in May. We go there because Atlanta is near the center of the problems of 12 million Negroes, which we seek to solve. 178 words
1920 (Jun) Presidential Candidates We have asked 17 men mentioned for the presidency what their attitude is on: 164 words
1920 (Jun) Mississippi On March 25, 1920, the following law was passed by the Mississippi Legislature: 1,056 words
1920 (Jul) A Question Consider, my pale friends, what should be done in cases such as these: 339 words
1920 (Jul) Soldiers The statement by the Secretary of War in this number is a most disappointing pronouncement. It means that the Negro-hating section of the General Staff has had its way and… 240 words
1920 (Jul) In Georgia The eleventh annual conference of the N.A.A.C.P. marked an epoch. For the first time since Reconstruction a radical Negro organization, whose aims were well known and… 554 words
1920 (Jul) Race Intelligence For a century or more it has been the dream of those who do not believe Negroes are human that their wish should find some scientific basis. For years they depended on the… 590 words
1920 (Jul) Latin The principal of a State school for Negroes writes us: 266 words
1920 (Aug) The Task There is one sentence in the resignation of Mr. Shillady, our former secretary, which has arrested the attention of us all. He says: 552 words
1920 (Sep) The History of Haiti Haiti, one of the most beautiful islands in the world, was discovered by Christopher Columbus, December 6, 1492. The Spaniards enslaved and killed the Indian inhabitants… 1,182 words
1920 (Oct) Steal We trust the Negro world has watched with intelligent comprehension the extraordinary conjunction of Church and Steel in recent events. When the Interchurch movement came The… 334 words
1920 (Oct) Triumph At last the work of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass is crowned. From this day on in the United States a grown human being has the right to a voice in his own… 252 words
1920 (Nov) Pity the Poor Author Every once in a while someone drops in and says cozily: 387 words
1920 (Nov) Progress The progress of the colored American in the last five years has been the most marvelous of any period since emancipation. Visits and investigations North, East, South and… 331 words
1920 (Nov) The Social Equality of Whites and Blacks When The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was organized it seemed to us that the subject of “social equality” between races was not one that we… 1,191 words
1920 (Nov) Suffrage There was a time when the South appealed to the world against the Negro on the ground that he was ignorant and inefficient. The answer to this was that education and social… 583 words
1920 (Nov) Reason in School and Business A correspondent asks us to denounce a Negro theatre that has refused to employ colored architects, engineers or builders; another writer takes us to task for our article on… 645 words
1920 (Dec) Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey was born at St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica, about 1885. He was educated at the public school and then for a short time attended the Church of England Grammar School… 1,349 words
1920 (Dec) The Unreal Campaign Never have the American people endured such a Presidential campaign. It is true that in no campaign are the great issues always distinct and clear and the alignments… 829 words
1920 (Dec) McSwiney The veriest coward may die for a cause in the frenzy of battle with court martial and disgrace behind him and flaming medals in front. A brave man may rush to his death at… 117 words
1920 (Dec) Pontius Pilate Pontius Pilate, Federal Governor of Mississippi, sat in the Judgment seat at Jackson. Before him stretched a table of shining gold and the morning sun sang through the… 896 words
1920 (Dec) And Now Liberia The Wilson Plan of assisting Liberia has been finally revealed in detail. Its terms, which include a loan of five million dollars, are found to be disastrously rigid.… 193 words
1920 (Dec) Martyrs Three years ago December 11, at 7:17 in the morning, thirteen American Negro soldiers were murdered on the scaffold by the American government to satisfy the bloodlust of… 175 words
1921 (Jan) Pan-Africa The Second Pan-African Conference under the Presidency of Blaise Diagne, Deputy from Senegal to the Parliament of France and Commissioner of African French Troops in the… 199 words
1921 (Jan) Votes for Negroes The astonishing thing about the Bourbon South is its intellectual bankruptcy when it comes to the Negro. It continually assumes that the Negro is a fool. Some Negroes are… 584 words
1921 (Jan) Chicago We would advise our Chicago friends to watch narrowly the work and forthcoming report of the Inter-racial Commission appointed by the Governor of Illinois after the late… 260 words
1921 (Jan) Thrift A Teacher writes us from Texas: 621 words
1921 (Jan) Mount Hermon We have just learned from a curious source of the excellent educational opportunities of American Negroes and the rich endowments of Negro colleges. Our informant is none… 457 words
1921 (Jan) Marcus Garvey An article in the December Crisis gave Mr. Garvey’s personal history. This article considers his industrial enterprises and the feasibility of his general plans. 2,857 words
1921 (Jan) Political Rebirth and the Office Seeker Slowly but steadily and with unflinching determination the American Negro is returning to political power. In the last presidential election, black folk put 13 members of… 435 words
1921 (Jan) Election Day in Florida An unknown number of dead, men of property and standing forced to leave their homes and families under threat of death, thousands of qualified voters debarred from casting… 2,658 words
1921 (Jan) Tulsa Riots Within six hours of the time, on June 1, when the New York Evening Post called up the National Office on the telephone to ask whether anything had been heard of race trouble… 923 words
1921 (Jan) Libelous Film Last month “The Birth of a Nation” with its cruel and indefensible libel of the Negro and glorification of the mob in the Ku Klux Klan was revived in several eastern cities.… 173 words
1921 (Jan) The Negro and Radical Thought Mr. Claude McKay, one of the editors of The Liberator and a Negro poet of distinction, writes us as follows: 1,443 words
1921 (Jan) Amity A convention of colored and white people took place in Washington, D.C., in May, which deserves thought. The programs carried these words: 409 words
1921 (Feb) Reduced Representation in Congress Friends of Democracy and especially friends of over ten million disfranchised persons—white and black—in the South, are called upon today for clear thinking and a knowledge… 999 words
1921 (Feb) Phonograph Records We have good authority for stating that 65% of the phonograph records made for the Southern trade by a well-known company are sold to colored people. Nevertheless, this… 396 words
1921 (Feb) The Lynching Bill Those persons who see technical difficulties and constitutional questions in any effort to stop lynching simply do not realize the enormity of this evil. 344 words
1921 (Feb) Africa for the Africans The Associated Press in a Paris dispatch, put into the mouth of the editor a statement that a colored Americans could not withstand the African climate, could not oust the… 408 words
1921 (Feb) The World and Us Esthonia has nationalized the holdings of her great land holders and is beginning to distribute her farm lands to farmers. The United States is increasing tenancy and land… 306 words
1921 (Feb) Charles Young The life of Charles Young was a triumph of tragedy. No one ever knew the truth about the Hell he went through at West Point. He seldom even mentioned it. The pain was too… 531 words
1921 (Feb) Vicious Provisions of a Great Bill The Crisis believes and has always believed in national aid to common schools, because of the shameful fact that the South spends only the miserably inadequate sum of $10.32… 501 words
1921 (Feb) The Link Between What gives us hope for the final solution of this trying race problem is the willingness of persons in each encampment to link hands occasionally across the dividing line.… 734 words
1921 (Feb) Politics and Power Some persons continue to admonish the Negro that political power is not omnipotent, and that without it much may be done to uplift the people; while with it, much may be… 633 words
1921 (Feb) The Class Struggle The N.A.A.C.P. hag been accused of not being a “revolutionary” body. This is quite true. We do not believe in revolution. We expect revolutionary changes in many parts of… 909 words
1921 (Feb) Lynchings and Mobs You are frightened? Thieves, hold-ups and crime? But the police and the courts are with you. Public opinion is behind you; your neighbor’s arm is ready to help. 100 words
1921 (Feb) Hopkinsville, Chicago and Idlewild The N.A.A.C.P. hag been accused of not being a “revolutionary” body. This is quite true. We do not believe in revolution. We expect revolutionary changes in many parts of… 910 words
1921 (Feb) Of Problems Why is it that nothing is said of social equality save in the case of Negroes? The nation is mute as to Irishmen, Italians, Poles and Armenians. One may dine with Chinese… 120 words
1921 (Feb) Lynchings and Mobs We anticipate agitation looking towards the establishment of separate High Schools in Indianapolis. In order to discuss the matter intelligently, we are asking you to be so… 297 words
1921 (Mar) Pan-Africa The growth of a body of public opinion among peoples of Negro descent broad enough to be called Pan-African is a movement belonging almost entirely to the twentieth century. 784 words
1921 (Mar) A Quarter Million Year before last the N.A.A.C.P. counted 90,000 members; last year because of the assault on our secretary in Texas and the post-war slump in all united effort we had about… 237 words
1921 (Mar) The Woman Voter The colored women have made a splendid record at their first national election. Applying for registration in large numbers, they endured purposeful delays and deliberate… 244 words
1921 (Mar) Bleeding Ireland No people can more exactly interpret the inmost meaning of the present situation in Ireland than the American Negro. The scheme is simple. You knock a man down and then have… 335 words
1921 (Mar) A Correction Under the caption “Marcus Garvey” we published in our December and January numbers two articles which incidentally discussed the affairs of the Black Star Line Steamship… 102 words
1921 (Mar) Homicides There is a species of propaganda going on against the Negro which is so subtle that most people do not notice it. For instance, The Spectator, an insurance magazine… 458 words
1921 (Mar) Boddy What more pathetic, baffling, and heartrending case can one conceive? Here is a boy of nineteen—too young even to have begun to live. He is comely, straight, quick of brain… 475 words
1921 (Mar) Gandhi and India India has been called a land of saints, the home of religions, and, living up to her well earned reputation, she produces in our own time a man who from sheer impeccability… 3,326 words
1921 (Mar) Of Boards Graceful interlude at Detroit was the quite unexpected presentation of a loving cup to Miss Ovington, Chairman of the Board, and of a travelling bag to the Secretary… 996 words
1921 (Mar) Investments Colored folk in larger and larger numbers are investing their savings and so far as possible investing in such ways as will best serve the race. This is a most encouraging… 706 words
1921 (Mar) The Spread of Socialism Readers of headlines in the daily press may, if they live in the United States, be lead to think that Socialism is on its last legs and was quite discredited by the Great… 283 words
1921 (Mar) Of Cold Feet They are so brave! My God! The fire that blows from their dilated nostrils and the spite that sputters from mouths—but—go to Atlanta? No sir! Not me! I’m busy. I’m just… 110 words
1921 (Mar) About Pugilists Before 1914 our minds were made up and pugilism was generally discredited as a disreputable, if not immoral, occupation. We were especially strengthened in this attitude… 323 words
1921 (Mar) Railroad Unions In the fight against predatory capital the railroad unions richly deserve defeat. They have been head and foot of a contemptible monopoly of labor, and by the open exclusion… 128 words
1921 (Mar) Girls I attended the East Central Field School Girls’ Conference at the Germantown Y.W.C.A. It was not only a wonderful thing to see these hundreds of bright and pretty colored… 183 words
1921 (Apr) The Liberal South The white Executive Secretary of the Mississippi Welfare League, J.C. Wilson, writes thus to Moorfield Storey: 773 words
1921 (Apr) The Second Pan-African Congress According to the decision made by the members of the Permanent Committee of the first Pan-African Congress, which was held in Paris February 19-21, 1919, a second… 250 words
1921 (Apr) Tulsa Do not forget Tulsa! The same little herring has been drawn across the path there that saw the light at Atlanta and similar places. First, great moral indignation was… 270 words
1921 (Apr) Socialism and the Negro We have an interesting letter from John H. Owens of Washington, which we would like to publish in full but can only note certain extracts. Mr. Owens says, in answer to the… 1,305 words
1921 (Apr) The Single Tax Negro radicals com­paratively little has been said of the Single Tax, and we take it that few of our colored readers know much of Henry George’s “Progress and Poverty” and… 245 words
1921 (Apr) Haiti Our chance has come! It is not the greatest and best chance, but it is a chance. A Senate committee, composed of McCormick of Illinois, Knox of Pennsylvania, King of Utah… 141 words
1921 (Jun) The Rising Truth Since the founding of The Crisis one of the criticisms against it which has been hardest to bear has been that of deliberately exaggerating the mistreatment of Negroes… 1,237 words
1921 (Jun) Crime If once, then a thousand times white Southerners fling at us: why do you not denounce Negro crime as well as white lynching? 266 words
1921 (Jun) The Second Pan-African Congress It is expected that at the second Pan-African Congress there will be delegates from the United States, the English and French West Indies, Guiana, Cuba, English and French… 440 words
1921 (Jun) Negro Art Negro art is today plowing a difficult row, chiefly because we shrink at the portrayal of the truth about ourselves. We are so used to seeing the truth distorted to our… 639 words
1921 (Oct) Thomas Jesse Jones Thomas Jesse Jones was born in Wales, in 1873, and came to America when he was 11 years old. He was educated in Virginia, Ohio, and New York, and received the degree of… 3,505 words
1921 (Nov) Ku Klux Klan The white knights are on the run. Their flowing robes no longer present the dignified appearance made familiar to millions of Americans by “The Birth of a Nation.” Instead… 147 words
1921 (Nov) Manifesto to the League of Nations The second Pan-African Congress which met in London, Brussels and Paris, August 28, 29 and 31 and September 2, 3, 5 and 6, represented 26 different groups of people of Negro… 627 words
1921 (Nov) America’s Making The part which each group has had in the development of this land will be clearly shown in “America’s Making,” a pageant and exhibit which will show three centuries of… 291 words
1921 (Nov) Robert T. Kerlin Readers of The Crisis will remember the appearance a year ago of a compilation of Negro opinion gathered in a volume entitled “The Voice of the Negro.” Here for the first… 481 words
1921 (Nov) To The World The absolute equality of races,—physical, political and social—is the founding stone of world peace and human advancement. No one denies great differences of gift, capacity… 2,350 words
1921 (Dec) President Harding and Social Equality For fifty years we who, pro and con, have discussed the Negro Problem, have been skulking behind a phrase — “Social Equality.” Today President Harding’s speech, like sudden… 2,135 words
1921 (Dec) The Sermon in the Cradle Now when Jesus was born in Benin of Nigeria in the days of English rule, behold, there came wise men from the East to London. 505 words
1921 (Dec) Chamounix I have seen the League of Nations, the Federation of the World, sitting in a little upper room and stared at by reporters, amidst streams of hopes and fears and of… 761 words
1922 (Jan) Mr. Howard Mr. Perry Howard complains because The Crisis said concerning his appointment to the United States Department of Justice: “The appointment given Mr. Perry Howard was one… 389 words
1922 (Jan) N.A.A.C.P. and Xmas In this season of holiday and joy have you thought of your Christmas gift for Freedom? Thinking of what you have earned and spent for the year, what you have accomplished… 450 words
1922 (Jan) Coöperation For several years we have sought to interest the colored people of the United States in coöperative business and we have had some beginnings of success. But coöperation… 209 words
1922 (Jan) Negro Art The Negro race as an interpreter of beauty to the world is gradually coming to its own. Not only are our musicians like Burleigh and Dett pursuing their high and successful… 160 words
1922 (Jan) The Harding Political Plan Mr. Harding’s plan for settling various problems in politics is now in full swing and we are not all sure but what it bids fair to be successful beyond his dreams. The… 668 words
1922 (Jan) The World and Us To us the great outstanding fact today is lack of work and low wage for such as we get. We suffer with the world in this after-war difficulty, but human misfortune beats the… 1,083 words
1922 (Feb) Advertising Most colored folk do not yet quite understand modern advertising. They still think of advertising as a species of bribery, hush-money or charity given to newspapers to… 332 words
1922 (Apr) The Negro and Labor The usual American attitude toward Negroes in industrial countries like this is two-fold. On the one hand, the white laboring man excludes the Negro from work just as far as… 948 words
1922 (May) Social Equality Do I want Social Equality? Certainly I do. Every normal decent human being wants to associate with his fellowmen on terms of equality. We like to be invited out. We want… 234 words
1922 (May) Art for Nothing There is a deep feeling among many people and particularly among colored people that Art should not be paid for. The feeling is based on an ancient and fine idea of human… 404 words
1922 (May) Slavery Slavery still exists in the United States. In the courts of Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, human beings are daily sold into slavery… 311 words
1922 (May) Publicity We learned during the Great War what Publicity could do. We saw its good effects in bringing the truth before the people; we saw its bad effects in making millions believe… 527 words
1922 (May) Anti-Lynching Legislation During the last five years the N.A.A.C.P. has carried on a campaign against lynching, conducted in accordance with the most approved methods of public­ity. This campaign has… 786 words
1922 (May) Slavery Slavery still exists in the United States. In the courts of Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, human beings are daily sold into slavery… 311 words
1922 (May) The President The bourbons have put the question up to Mr. Harding sooner than we had anticipated. The issue is clearly drawn: 500 clerks in the Bureau of the Registry of the Treasury do… 449 words
1922 (May) Inter-Racial Comity There are persons who assume that the N.A.A.C.P. and particularly The Crisis are opposed to the Inter-racial Committees in the South and to any efforts of white Southerners… 375 words
1922 (May) The Drive Again the pendulum has swung: it is no longer a question of educating the Negro to his just demands as an American citizen. He has ceased to be beguiled by the silly… 460 words
1922 (May) 7000 I have been journeying seven thousand miles: from Bunker Hill to Pittsburg and the Valley of the Shadow of Steal; from Hampton Roads to Fort Sumter, and from the Oranges of… 246 words
1922 (May) K.K.K. Please enter subscription to your magazine The Crisisfor one year, mailing same to address given below. Post Office Money Order for $1.50 enclosed. 419 words
1922 (May) Truth and Beauty On November, 1910, The Crisis was born. With this issue, November, 1922, we are completing our twelfth year and we pause to thank all those who have made our long and fairly… 593 words
1922 (Jun) White Charity Throughout the United States are numberless charities—schools, homes, hospitals and orphanages,—supported wholly or in part by white donors for the benefit of Negroes. As… 349 words
1922 (Sep) Flipper In 1882 the Army got rid of a colored lieutenant, H.O. Flipper, by accusing him of irregularities in his accounts. From that time until this those who have known the facts… 153 words
1922 (Sep) We Shuffle Along For a solid year colored artists have maintained on Broadway, New York, one of the cleanest, tunefulest and cleverest variety shows ever given. The colored comedians, Miller… 466 words
1923 (Jan) Political Straws (From information furnished by Morris Lewis of Chicago and R. McCants Andrews of Durham, N.C.) 1,212 words
1923 (Jan) The Tuskegee Hospital We have strong reasons for believing that the following are the actual facts concerning the Tuskegee Hospital: 950 words
1923 (Jan) Intentions The Republicans did not try to pass the Dyer Bill. Local political pressure and team work engineered by the N.A.A.C.P., and the extraordinary thoughtful and determined… 2,506 words
1923 (Feb) The Technique of Race Prejudice We have developed in the United States a technique of race discrimination which gains its dispicable ends by methods so subtle and evasive that the man on the street not… 1,322 words
1923 (Feb) The Tragedy of ‘Jim Crow’ There is developing within the Negro race a situation bordering on tragedy in regard to the “Jim Crow” movement now growing and spreading in the North. The tragedy has been… 2,131 words
1923 (Mar) Florida 319 words
1923 (Jun) A University Course in Lynching We are glad to note that the University of Missouri has opened a course in Applied Lynching. Many of our American Universities have long defended the institution, but they… 311 words
1923 (Jun) On Being Crazy It was one o’clock and I was hungry. I walked into a restaurant, seated myself and reached for the bill-of-fare. My table companion rose. 554 words
1924 (Jan) The Black Man and the Wounded World Chapter 1. Interpretations 3,195 words
1924 (Jan) Helping Africa There is one thought in our will to help Africa that continually recurs. We think again and again of going over there and taking charge and helping people to do things… 257 words
1924 (Jan) Unity Within the Negro race we are continually scoring ourselves for lack of unity and we are holding up other races and other groups as splendid examples of perfect agreement. We… 590 words
1924 (Jan) Vote Keep your eye steady, Mr. Black Voter, your powder dry. You don’t really care a rap who is president. Republican presidents are just about as bad as Democratic and… 157 words
1924 (Feb) Kenya In 1920 the territory formerly known as British East Africa and the German colony of German East Africa were united by the British Empire into one colony known as the Kenya… 211 words
1924 (Feb) The Younger Literary Movement There have been times when we writers of the older set have been afraid that the procession of those who seek to express the life of the American Negro was thinning and that… 1,652 words
1924 (Feb) To the American Federation of Labor For many years the American Negro has been demanding admittance to the ranks of union labor. For many years your organizations have made public profession of your interest… 459 words
1924 (Feb) La Follette Let Negroes read with thoughtful care and deep understanding the manifesto of the Third Party. It makes no direct reference to our problems. But what are our problems? They… 361 words
1924 (Mar) Sketches from Abroad I have taken many journeys but this is the greatest. I have seen all the states of the American Empire and something of the Western Indies. I have seen England and France… 1,924 words
1924 (Mar) The N.A.A.C.P. and Parties A number of newspapers anxious to get in line for campaign funds have been throwing fits over the alleged endorsing of a Third Party by this Association. What the National… 621 words
1924 (Apr) Little Portraits of Africa Africa is vegetation. It is the riotous, unbridled bursting life of leaf and limb. It is sunshine—pitiless shine of blue rising from morning mists and sinking to hot night… 1,157 words
1924 (Apr) Inter-Marriage The Ku Klux Klan has secured the introduction of bills into certain legislatures, including Ohio, Iowa and Michigan, which should be called proposals “to encourage… 274 words
1924 (May) Fall Books Walter White has written in “The Fire in the Flint” a good, stirring story and a strong bit of propaganda against the white Klansman and the black pussyfoot. White knows his… 1,386 words
1924 (May) How Shall We Vote I shall vote for La Follette and Wheeler, unusually honest and straight-forward men. I believe in them. I do not believe in Coolidge. I despise Dawes and his ilk and I will… 142 words
1924 (May) A Lunatic or a Traitor In its endeavor to avoid any injustice toward Marcus Garvey and his followers, The Crisis has almost leaned backward. Notwithstanding his wanton squandering of hundreds of… 1,115 words
1924 (Dec) Fifteen Years With the November number The Crisis began the 15th year of its life. It has weathered doubt and distrust, misrepresentation and throttling, hatred, concealed plot and open… 539 words
1924 (Dec) West Indian Immigration The Nordic champions undoubtedly put one over on us in the recent immigration bill. If our West Indian friends had watched more carefully and warned us, we might have been… 203 words
1924 (Dec) The Election Looking back on the election what have Negro Americans gained and lost? 479 words
1924 (Dec) The Temptation in the Wilderness There was a man standing in the Wilderness. He was black and thin; his clothes were shabby but his eyes burned toward heaven. 761 words
1925 (Mar) Radicals and the Negro Most Americans having secured the right to vote, the principle of free public schools, the right to trial by jury and the right to travel without insult are proceeding to… 866 words
1925 (May) Our Book Shelf James Weldon Johnson has edited, with an introduction, a book of Negro spirituals containing musical arrangements chiefly by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson, and with other… 1,033 words
1925 (May) The Challenge of Detroit In Detroit, Michigan, a black man has shot into a mob which was threatening him, his family, his friends and his home in order to make him move out of the neighborhood. He… 1,525 words
1925 (May) The New Crisis We have assumed, with the Spring, with the beginning of our 30th semi-annual volume, with our 175th number and with the closing of a fateful quarter century, something of a… 1,246 words
1925 (Jun) The Firing Line In the fight for human rights across the color bar where is the firing line? In the United States, in the West Indies, or in Africa? 384 words
1925 (Jun) The Black Man and Labor Two significant movements have recently taken place among us. The Pullman Porters are organizing a trade union and the colored Communists have met in Chicago. Both movements… 343 words
1925 (Jun) Disenfranchisement How is the Negro disenfranchised? The process is so complicated that few Negroes themselves know definitely. Beginning with 1890 laws have been passed in various Southern… 665 words
1925 (Jul) Ferdinand Q. Morton There has been going on in black New York during the last ten years a revolution in practical politics which few Negroes know or understand. There are two political… 794 words
1926 (Jan) ‘Krigwa Players Little Negro Theatre’ It is customary to regard Negroes as an essentially dramatic race; and it is probably true that tropical and sub-tropical peoples have more vivid imagination, are accustomed… 1,230 words
1926 (Jan) Murder Few Americans realize how many homicides take place in the United States. During 1925, 10,100 murders were done in this country and our murder rate is 14 times the murder… 212 words
1926 (Jan) The Sweet Trial The Assistant Secretary of the N.A.A.C.P. “Covered” the Trial of the Negroes of Detroit Who Were Tried for Murder Because They Defended Their Home Against a Mob 3,285 words
1926 (Jan) The First Battle of Detroit The first Sweet trial is over. By grace of the N.A.A.C.P. instead of eleven persons being railroaded to long penitentiary sentences and some to life imprisonment, there has… 346 words
1926 (Jan) Pullman Porters There are some things connected with the fight of Pullman porters for recognition as modern working men which should hold our attention. First, there is the threat of the… 333 words
1926 (Jan) Our Book Shelf This extraordinary book in many ways marks an epoch. It is in many respects sprawling, illogical, with an open and unashamed lack of unity and continuity, and yet it… 823 words
1926 (Feb) The Newer South The New South of Henry Grady had nothing new for the Negro. And since that time thoughtful Negroes have received professions of friendship on the part of the white South… 967 words
1926 (Mar) Our Book Shelf Porgy. By DuBose Heyward. George H. Doran Company. New York. 1925. 196 pages. 322 words
1926 (Mar) Correspondence 392 words
1926 (Apr) Criteria of Negro Art So many persons have asked for the complete text of the address delivered by Dr. Du Bois at the Chicago Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored… 4,100 words
1926 (Apr) Again, Pullman Porters As a class Pullman porters are gentlemen in the best sense of that overworked word. They are courteous, silent and of infinite patience. Nowhere in the traveling world can… 434 words
1926 (May) Disenfranchisement Every once in a while the Bourbon South, forgetting that the world has moved, tries its old game of winning by lying. Recently Southern governors have united in protesting… 512 words
1926 (May) Lynching Every 23 days a man is lynched in America and we say lynching is over because once we lynched two men every three days. The situation is still intolerable and uncivilized.… 309 words
1926 (May) Crime The junior organizations of the Ku Klux Klan are receiving thousands of copies of “Educational Studies Number 10” which concerns “the Negro and his relation to America.”… 456 words
1926 (May) Russia, 1926 I am writing this in Russia. I am sitting in Revolution Square opposite the Second House of the Moscow Soviets and in a hotel run by the Soviet Government. Yonder the sun… 529 words
1926 (Jun) Italy and Abyssinia ! [1935 edition maps of Abyssinia] (,0.493,0.388,0.335,0) 490 words
1926 (Jun) Eugene Debs Eugene Debs was one of the few leaders of organized labor in the United States who realized that a large part of the laboring force in this country is of Negro descent. Most… 219 words
1926 (Jun) Books Carl Van Vechten’s “Nigger Heaven” is a blow in the face. It is an affront to the hospitality of black folk and to the intelligence of white. First, as to its title: my… 996 words
1926 (Jun) Travel It was a brilliant idea when the Walker Manufacturing Company conceived the free trip around the world method of advertising. They have sent now for the third year groups of… 785 words
1926 (Jun) The Shambles of South Carolina Four men went down the darkened corridor of the Aiken, S. C., jail towards the cell where slept a colored woman. Through the brick and steel structure, there had grown all… 3,095 words
1927 (Jan) Hayes How many of us realize the tremendous propaganda of Roland Hayes? He was at Carnegie Hall last week. He sang with a firmness, control and sweetness that entranced thousands… 129 words
1927 (Jan) Our Methods Some assiduous friends have recalled the remark of a white secretary when he left the N.A.A.C.P. voicing serious doubts as to our methods. There has long been and long will… 751 words
1927 (Jan) League of Nations Three efforts under the League of Nations are of interest to colored folk. First, the system of mandates by which fifteen millions of people occupying an area as large as… 241 words
1927 (Jan) Intermarriage A man named Lawton writing in the Independent says that the N.A.A.C.P. “expressly advocates intermarriage” of whites and blacks. It does nothing of the sort. It simply… 153 words
1927 (Feb) Chicago The late Chicago election was a serious misfortune. The Democratic mayor had previously made overtures to colored people. He had even spoken at the annual N.A.A.C.P.… 409 words
1927 (Feb) “Harmless Flourish” Senator Harris of Georgia is pained because of the sale of Federal offices in that State. He wants the matter investigated. Senator Ernst of Kentucky proposed to add to this… 253 words
1927 (Feb) Science Dr. N.M. Hirsh, “former Fellow of the National Research Council”, has made an astounding discovery. By testing 5,500 New England school children he finds that Negroes and… 145 words
1927 (Feb) War The land hogs and war profiteers are pushing us into war with Mexico just as fast as they can, with the help of a President who is the tool of Big Business and of a… 204 words
1927 (Feb) Lynching There were thirty-four lynchings in the United States in 1926, nearly twice as many as in 1925. 312 words
1927 (Feb) Judging Russia There is no question but that a government can carry on business. Every government does. Whether governmental industry compares in efficiency with private industry depends… 1,275 words
1927 (Feb) Optimism Nothing is more dangerous than unintelligent optimism, childish faith in the triumph of good, the “God’s-in-His-heaven” attitude assumed because one is too lazy to be… 436 words
1927 (Mar) Aiken Does America thoroughly realize Aiken? Citizens declared by South Carolina courts of law to be either entirely innocent of crime or of unproven guilt have been openly… 280 words
1927 (Mar) Liberia We have not the full text of President King’s recent word concerning missions. But we would like to point out to those writers who are easily and hastily criticizing this… 505 words
1927 (Apr) Farmers Let us understand this agitation for farm relief. We Negroes who take our thinking from provincial New York and who in darkest Mississippi and environs are dumb and blind… 405 words
1927 (Apr) The Higher Friction Let us take courage from certain present aspects of the Negro problem. Friction there has always been between black and white since 1619. Friction there will probably be… 255 words
1927 (Jul) Coffeeville, Kanasas Two white high school girls in a Kansas city of 20,000 inhabitants claim to have been raped by Negroes on March 17. Blood hounds are brought. They lead to the Negro quarter… 301 words
1927 (Jul) Flood We hope that every Negro that can escape from the slave camps guarded by the National Red Cross for the benefit of the big planters of Mississippi and Louisiana and the… 235 words
1927 (Aug) Mob Tactics There has been developed in the United States a regular technique in matters of mob violence. Matters move somewhat as follows: 356 words
1927 (Sep) Browsing Reader - The American Race Problem E. B. Reuter’s “The American Race Problem” (Thomas Y. Crowell and Company) 448 pages, is a book designed for schools and colleges and is a characteristic piece of current… 355 words
1927 (Oct) The Pan-African Congresses: The Story of a Growing Movement The first Pan-African Congress was held February 19-21, 1919, in the Grand Hotel, Paris. The executive committee consisted of M. Blaise Diagne, President; Dr. W. E. B.… 2,049 words
1927 (Oct) Mencken Many colored people have undertaken to answer Mr. Mencken’s remarks about Negro artists. Most of them apparently make the mistake of questioning his attitude rather than his… 557 words
1927 (Oct) Wallace Battle, the Episcopal Church and Mississippi: A Story of Suppressed Truth May 20, 1925, was commencement day at Okolona Institute. This is a colored school, supported by the Episcopal Church, in northeastern Mississippi, in and near a small… 2,680 words
1927 (Oct) Death Rates The difficulty about nearly all statistical matter with regard to the Negro in the United States is the rather astonishing habit which we have of comparing all our figures… 287 words
1927 (Nov) Prejudice We have received from Mrs. Helen D. Pecu of Vashon Islands, Washington, the following letter: 667 words
1927 (Nov) Smith We are filled with delight at the prospect that Governor Smith will be nominated by the Democrats. The South does not want Smith because he is a Catholic; because he is a… 155 words
1927 (Nov) Peonage WE have grave suspicions that the colored committee recently appointed by Mr. Hoover to investigate flood conditions and peonage in the Mississippi Valley will be sorely… 209 words
1927 (Nov) Social Equals This is a typical Negro American story which my friend told me the other night. He is a law examiner in one of the departments in Washington. Recently, together with three… 393 words
1927 (Dec) The Hampton Strike The most sinister thing about the Hampton strike, is not the attitude of the authorities of Hampton. It has long been known, and the knowledge discounted among American… 603 words
1927 (Dec) Ten Years It is astonishing to see the determination with which those who believe in the industrial methods of America and Western Europe are spreading misinformation concerning the… 307 words
1927 (Dec) The Durham Conference The Conference meeting this month at Durham, North Carolina, is unusual. It is not an attempt to unite existing organizations in an impossible federation for which there is… 316 words
1927 (Dec) Pullman Porters Despite bribes which have been directly and indirectly distributed in the effort to kill off the Union movement among Pullman Porters, we are pleased to see that they are… 227 words
1928 (Jan) Exclusion In Czarist Russia the number of Jews admitted to universities was strictly limited. In Hungary they are mobbing and beating the Jews to keep them out of college. In the… 219 words
1928 (Jan) The Flood, the Red Cross and the National Guard There were four refugee camps at Vicksburg: Camp Hayes, Camp Juarez, Camp Louisiana and Camp Fort Hill. The lovely hills of the National Park, where once the Confederate and… 4,924 words
1928 (Feb) The Flood, the Red Cross and the National Guard Second Installment Based on an Investigation Made by the N.A.A.C.P. in October, 1927 3,031 words
1928 (Feb) Marcus Garvey and the NAACP Many persons are under the impression that the N.A.A.C.P. has been the persistent enemy of Marcus Garvey. This is due to repeated accusations published in the Negro World wit… 859 words
1928 (Feb) Social Equality Lothrop Stoddard, professional “nigger” hater and protagonist of the Ku Klux Klan, made two astonishing admissions the other night when he debated the subject of social… 939 words
1928 (Mar) Augustus G. Dill John Hays Hammond of the National Civic Federation admitted failure in his “get-out-the-vote” campaign of November, 1926. Twenty-four states fell behind the voting record of… 249 words
1928 (Mar) Black and White Workers The struggle for the liberation of the working classes in general and of the Negro race in America in particular is, of course, at bottom the same struggle. But great… 650 words
1928 (Mar) Robert E. Lee Each year on the 19th of January there is renewed effort to canonize Robert E. Lee, the great confederate general. His personal comeliness, his aristocratic birth and his… 484 words
1928 (Mar) Augustus G. Dill It is with deep regret that The Crisis announces the withdrawal with this issue of Mr. Augustus G. Dill as Business Manager. For nearly fifteen years Mr. Dill has given us… 179 words
1928 (Mar) The Name Negro South Bend, Ind. 1,004 words
1928 (Apr) The House of the Black Burghardts If one slings out the Northern neck of Manhattan and flies to the left of the silver Sound, one swoops in time into the Golden River; and dodging on this sinuously, now… 743 words
1928 (May) The Negro Politician While I was in Chicago, a listener at Winnetka threw this question at me, tensely, with evident deep resentment: “What have you to say to the course of Negro politicians who… 534 words
1928 (May) Our Economic Future There can be no doubt but what the whole economic future of the Negro in America is ready for new thought and new planning. All the old slogans and old advice are worthless.… 931 words
1928 (May) The Browsing Reader “Ebony and Topaz,” a “Collectanea” edited by C. S. Johnson and published by the Urban League contains so much work and of such uneven quality, that it is difficult to judge… 136 words
1928 (Jun) Sunny Florida There is probably no modern play-ground whose social foundation is more utterly false and criminal than Florida. Before the boom, Florida was a lovely, sleepy semi-tropical… 532 words
1928 (Jun) Darrow Nothing more unfortunate has happened in the recent history of the Negro race than the attitude of black ministers in Washington toward Clarence Darrow. Here is a man whose… 460 words
1928 (Jun) So the Girl Marries The problem of marriage among our present American Negroes, is a difficult one. On the one hand go conflicting philosophies: should we black folk breed children or commit… 2,291 words
1928 (Jun) Two Novels Nella Larsen “Quicksand” (Knopf) Claude McKay “Home to Harlem” (Harper and Brothers) 663 words
1928 (Jul) Visitors To the hard worker in a great modern city the problem of the casual visitor is baffling. No one needs visitors more than he: he needs the enlivening and quickening contact… 1,040 words
1928 (Aug) The Negro Voter According to the Census of 1920, there were in the United States 60,886,520 persons twenty-one years of age and over. Of these 5,522,475, or a little over 9 per cent were… 1,385 words
1928 (Sep) Howard The Republican Party is playing one of its dirtiest political games in the case of Perry Howard. God knows The Crisis has no brief for Howard. If the charges are true, he is… 234 words
1928 (Sep) Houston If the Democratic party was openly and thoughtfully planning to alienate the intelligent Negro vote in the North, they certainly were eminently successful. They opened their… 279 words
1928 (Sep) The Possibility of Democracy This article was originally prepared for the Stock-Taking and Fact-Finding Conference which met in Durham, North Carolina, in December, 1927. With some additions and… 4,236 words
1928 (Sep) Booze What intrigues us about Mary of the Unfortunate Name is not the fact that she is colored and the daughter of the late Isaiah Montgomery; or even that she is a machine… 183 words
1928 (Sep) Lynching In the annual address to the country issued by the N.A.A.C.P., we congratulated the United States because one period of one hundred and twenty days passed without a Negro… 170 words
1928 (Oct) The Possibility of Democracy in America For several years after the World War I used to talk concerning the results of the War, and to say that notwithstanding the slaughter and the upheaval that always accompany… 2,330 words
1928 (Nov) The Dunbar National Bank The establishment of the Dunbar National Bank in New York City, may be simply another bank; but it might prove to be an epoch making event for the darker races of the world.… 1,104 words
1928 (Nov) A Third Party The political theory of the Third Party in a Republican form of Government is that when the two chief parties cease to stand for distinct policies and principles, one of… 732 words
1928 (Nov) On the Fence In this presidential campaign The Crisis is sitting squarely on the fence, naked and unashamed and without apology. It is certain that either Herbert Hoover or Al Smith is… 217 words
1928 (Dec) Segregation Very slowly but with unexpected success, the fight against governmental segregation in the departments at Washington has reached a stage where a record of achievement can be… 301 words
1928 (Dec) The Campaign of 1928 For the American Negro this has without doubt been the most humiliating presidential campaign through which he has passed. The agreement and accord of the two leading… 752 words
1928 (Dec) The Election Herbert Hoover and our only hope lies in the smashed and riven “white primary” of the lower South and the faint but heartening promise of the Socialist Third Party. 128 words
1929 (Feb) The National Interracial Conference For a long time national plans have been developing for a National Interracial Conference to meet at Washington, D. C. Sixteen national organizations combined to sponsor… 1,688 words
1929 (Feb) DePriest We have received the following letter from Margaret Deland, the well-known writer: 726 words
1929 (Feb) Third Party The pressing political problem in the United States is that of establishing the principle of a Third Party movement. It does not matter how logical and convincing an appeal… 969 words
1929 (Feb) A Pilgrimage To The Negro Schools These are snapshots, and they have the validity and weakness of snapshots. I got mere glimpses of these various institutions, and from the glimpses came impressions and… 3,862 words
1929 (May) The Negro Citizen This article was read before the National Inter-racial Conference at Washington, D. C., December 19, 1928. It is published here entire, with only verbal changes. 3,883 words
1929 (May) The Chicago Debate There was held in the Coliseum in Chicago in March a debate between Lothrop Stoddard and the Editor of The Crisis on the question “Should the Negro be Encouraged to Seek… 469 words
1929 (May) Missionaries There is a curious attitude on the part of religion in the United States and Europe toward American Negro missionaries. It is a little difficult to get at all the facts, but… 822 words
1929 (May) Herbert Hoover and the South Herbert Hoover has started something. We very much doubt if he understands the ramifications of his late declaration. His statement is that Republican Presidents for many… 548 words
1929 (May) Optimism Nothing is more dangerous than unintelligent optimism; childish faith in the triumph of good; the “God’s-in-His-Heaven” attitude, assumed because one is too lazy to be… 442 words
1929 (Sep) Pechstein and Pecksniff Dr. R.L.A. Pechstein of the University of Cincinnati last February made a Report at the National Society of College Teachers meeting in Cleveland. His thesis was that the… 1,890 words
1929 (Nov) The Negro in Politics The political situation of the American Negro this fall has many anomalies, contradictions and encouragements. A white Southerner has been made Chairman of the Republican… 373 words
1930 (Jan) About Wailing George Jean Nathan last fall told the readers of the American Mercury reasons that made him tired of wails from Negroes. His argument was that lynching has decreased; that a… 720 words
1930 (Jan) Gambling As compared with crap-shooting, always supposed to be the peculiar diversion of Negroes, nine-tenths of the operations of the Wall Street Stock Exchange favors craps, by… 1,119 words
1930 (Jan) About Marrying Dear Mr. Du Bois: 1,278 words
1930 (Jan) Football The right of a football coach to bench a player is granted. But the reason must be the good of the team. The benching of one of the best players on the New York University… 226 words
1930 (Feb) Interracial Love in Texas The Houston, Texas Post-Dispatch says in a recent editorial: 313 words
1930 (Feb) That Capital ‘N’ The Raleigh, North Carolina Times tells Antonio M. Roper, a student at St. Augustine’s College, that it will not capitalize “Negro” because it does not capitalize “white.”… 118 words
1930 (Feb) Education Suppose that a Congressman is interested in the American Negro, realizing that the oppression of any group of twelve million people in America is dangerous to the whole… 409 words
1930 (Feb) Smuts Jan Smuts, former Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, has been traveling in England and is now in the United States. He is a man whom many regard as a great… 435 words
1930 (Mar) The Boycott Side by side with consumers’ cooperation, and of greater initial importance because it can so easily be put into force, stands the boycott as a weapon which American Negroes… 712 words
1930 (Mar) Our Economic Peril Fortunately, the attention of thinkers, black and white, is being drawn to the economic crisis which faces the American Negro. Norman Thomas, the white leader of American… 671 words
1930 (Mar) Patient Asses I met my friend one morning on Seventh Avenue as we were hurrying opposite ways to our work. She asked: 1,251 words
1930 (May) Our Program The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People stands for the full political, economic and social equality of white folk and Negroes. 525 words
1930 (May) The Capital N Recently and with a certain suddenness, the periodical press of the United States has decided to capitalize the word Negro. 238 words
1930 (Aug) A New Party The League for Independent Political Action, which has headquarters at 347 Madison Avenue, New York, is an association of individuals, committed personally and as a group… 321 words
1930 (Aug) Freedom of Speech There are an extraordinary number of intelligent people in the United States who have no conception of the meaning of the freedom of speech. They apparently assume that this… 234 words
1930 (Aug) Economic Disenfranchisement There is no universal suffrage in modern industry. So far as the government conducts industry, as in the case of the post office and, in some instances, the transportation… 757 words
1930 (Aug) India We trust that the colored people of the United States are watching with bated breath the struggle in India. Our view of it is of course distorted by the deception and… 228 words
1931 (Apr) Woofterism The Baltimore Afro-American coined the term “Woofterism.” It calls for definition and extension. Recently, the United States government has sent out a release based on a… 3,523 words
1931 (Apr) Causes of Lynching We have nothing but praise for the Southern Commission on the study of lynching. It has eleven members: the white members are: George F. Milton, Dr. W. J. McGlothlin, W. P.… 335 words
1931 (May) Beside the Still Water This is the speech made by the Editor of The Crisis when the Lieutenant Governor of the State of New York bestowed the 17th Spingarn Medal on Richard B. Harrison. 2,409 words
1931 (Sep) The Negro and Communism The Scottsboro, Alabama, cases have brought squarely before the American Negro the question of his attitude toward Communism. 4,112 words
1932 (Jan) John Brown A singular contretemps has arisen at Harpers Ferry from the project of United Daughters of the Confederacy to erect a monument in memory of the slaves who remained faithful… 336 words
1932 (Feb) Lynchings There have been this year thirteen or more persons lynched. I say thirteen “or more.” It may have been fifteen or eighteen, but I am taking the reports of Tuskegee, which… 413 words
1932 (Feb) The Non-Partisan Conference There was held in December in Washington a “Non-Partisan Negro Conference” called by Congressman Oscar De Priest. It brought together speakers of all sorts and kinds, and… 798 words
1932 (Mar) To Your Tents, Oh Israel! With twelve million Negroes in America and at least ten millions in the adjacent West Indies, is the black race economically helpless? These two groups as consumers must at… 592 words
1932 (Mar) Dalton, GA Juliette Derriocotte was fatally injured in Dalton, Georgia. Dalton is the county seat of Whitfield County and is forty miles southeast of Chattanooga. It had in 1930 a… 3,148 words
1932 (Mar) Hawaii The assault on a white woman in Hawaii brings this whole volcanic structure to the world’s notice. Hawaii is a volcano and a series of volcanoes in more senses of the word… 534 words
1932 (Apr) Courts and Jails It is to the disgrace of the American Negro, and particularly of his religious and philanthropic organizations, that they continually and systematically neglect Negroes who… 528 words
1932 (Apr) A Platform for Radicals Here is a platform which does not involve murder or revolution, but which we recommend to the most radical of our friends, as a step toward the millennium. Consider it: 149 words
1932 (Apr) Again Howard We trust that none of the friends of Negro education will be disconcerted at the smoke-screen now being industriously spread over the situation at Howard University. Despite… 354 words
1932 (Aug) Blaine of Maine The semi-secret and persistent propaganda on the history and meaning of the Civil War still keeps up to an astonishing degree. No book or article can get even a respectful… 913 words
1932 (Sep) Employment Our educational problem has two difficulties: first, the great mass of Negroes are not receiving proper and adequate common school training. It means today that we are… 539 words
1932 (Sep) Young Voters The Editor of the Louisiana Weekly writes: 571 words
1932 (Nov) If I Had a Million Dollars: A Review of the Phelps Stokes Fund If someone should give you a million dollars to spend in the settlement of the Negro problem over a period of twenty years, how would you spend it? 1,137 words
1932 (Nov) Herbert Hoover The indictment which Americans of Negro descent have against Herbert Hoover is long, and to my mind, unanswerable. The chief counts are the following: 1,634 words
1932 (Dec) From a Traveller I most emphatically think that the Negro has a better chance in Liberia than any where else in Africa. I haven’t been everywhere, but the Gold Coast is supposed to be the… 731 words
1933 (Jan) Listen, Japan and China Colossi of Asia and leaders of all colored mankind: for God’s sake stop fighting and get together. Compose your quarrels on any reasonable basis. Unite in self-defense and… 325 words
1933 (Jan) Toward a New Racial Philosophy A college graduate came to me yesterday and asked: “What has the N.A.A.C.P. published concerning the present problems of the Negro, and especially of young Negroes just out… 1,959 words
1933 (Feb) It is a Girl Anent my December editorial one writes: 372 words
1933 (Feb) Our Rate of Increase The growth of the Negro population in the United States has been an astonishing phenomenon, especially when we remember that in 1790, when there were only three-fourths of a… 337 words
1933 (Feb) Dodging the Issue The only comment which the Atlanta Commission on Interracial Cooperation has on the tragedy of the share-croppers of Alabama is a quotation from a Negro newspaper against… 329 words
1933 (Feb) Our Health Our death rate is without the slightest doubt a death rate due to poverty and discrimination. 486 words
1933 (Mar) Color Caste in the United States There are a large number of well meaning citizens of this country who are under the impression that the main lines of the American Negro problem are settled, and that while… 2,233 words
1933 (Mar) Karl Marx and the Negro Without doubt the greatest figure in the science of modern industry is Karl Marx. He has been a center of violent controversy for three-quarters of a century, and for that… 1,681 words
1933 (Apr) The Right to Work We have been taught to regard the industrial system today as fixed and permanent. Our problem has been locked upon as the static one of adjusting ourselves to American… 1,310 words
1933 (May) Marxism and The Negro Problem Karl Marx was a Jew born at Treves, Germany, in March, 1818. He came of an educated family and studied at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, planning first to become a… 2,712 words
1933 (May) Scottsboro Scottsboro is the perfect fruit of a generation of organized lying concerning conditions in the South. 304 words
1933 (Jun) The Strategy of the Negro Voter Usually, The Crisis has discussed voting among Negroes during elections and sought to give specific advice concerning the action of black voters. 2,287 words
1933 (Jul) Our Class Struggle In the Marxist patois, the “class struggle” means the natural antagonism and war between the exploiter and the exploited; that is, between those persons who own capital in… 1,264 words
1933 (Aug) The Negro College This is part of an address on “The Field and Function of a Negro College,” delivered at the annual alumni reunion during commencement week at Fisk University last June. The… 3,860 words
1933 (Sep) On Being Ashamed of Oneself My Grandfather left a passage in his diary expressing his indignation at receiving an invitation to a “Negro” picnic. Alexander DuBois, born in the Bahamas, son of Dr. James… 2,264 words
1933 (Oct) Pan-Africa and New Racial Philosophy We have considered all these matters in relation to the American Negro but our underlying thought has been continually that they can and must be seen not against any narrow… 1,320 words
1933 (Oct) The Church and Religion Critics of religion and of the church must distinguish rather carefully between the two. Religion is a theory of the ultimate constitution of the world, more particularly in… 1,210 words
1933 (Oct) Youth and Age at Amenia I was the great Jew, Benjamin Disraeli, who said: “Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a regret.” And so with blunder and regret and perhaps something of… 2,288 words
1933 (Dec) A Matter of Manners There was a time when the Negro race in America had a right to boast that its manners were better than those of its white neighbors. They were insistently courteous and… 595 words
1933 (Dec) The A.F. of L. The most sinister power that the N.R.A. has re-inforced is the American Federation of Labor. The American Federation of Labor never did represent the labor movement and… 611 words
1933 (Dec) Too Rich to be a Nigger Forty-odd years ago, when stalwart Young Dendy and slim Martha Duckett were married, their fortune consisted of youth, health and intelligence. They went to housekeeping… 1,540 words
1933 (Dec) Peace To one who does not comprehend the reasons, the present attitude of the civilized world toward peace would be incomprehensible. Here is a world which is literally wasting… 433 words
1934 (Jan) Segregation The thinking colored people of the United States must stop being stampeded by the word segregation. The opposition to racial segregation is not or should not be any distaste… 701 words
1934 (Jan) Scottsboro Some one sat in our office the other day and said “why doesn’t The Crisis say more about Scottsboro?” and I answered, “Why indeed!” There are some things so painfully… 306 words
1934 (Feb) The N.A.A.C.P. and Race Segregation There is a good deal of misapprehension as to the historic attitude of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and race segregation. As a matter of… 1,980 words
1934 (Mar) Subsistence Homestead Colonies The difficulty with the modern wage contract is that the contracting parties, the worker and the employer, do not meet with equal power to negotiate. The wage earner must… 539 words
1934 (Mar) Separation and Self-Respect That we continually face in this problem of race segregation in the United States is a paradox like this: 505 words
1934 (Mar) History of Segregation Philosophy Race segregation in the United States too often presents itself as an individual problem; a question of my admission to this church or that theater; a question as to whether… 1,293 words
1934 (Apr) Segregation in the North I have with interest the various criticisms on my recent discussions of segregation. Those like that of Mr. Pierce of Cleveland, do not impress me. I am not worried about… 3,361 words
1934 (May) Grand Jury Adjourns: Laurens County Fails to Indict Dendy Lynchers After the lynching of Norris Dendy on the Fourth of July, 1933, two detectives came to Clinton, South Carolina. Within an hour of their arrival the interested citizens knew… 1,249 words
1934 (May) Westward Ho In recent years, it has been my custom to visit Chicago and regions about it, at least once a year, and to use the excuse of lecturing in order to become acquainted again… 1,006 words
1934 (May) Segregation A girl with brown and serious face, came to me after a lecture. She was not satisfied with what I had said, nor to my answer to her questions from the floor. She said: “It… 533 words
1934 (May) William Monroe Trotter Monroe Trotter was a man of heroic proportions, and probably one of the most selfless of Negro leaders during all our American history. His father was Recorder of Deeds for… 1,250 words
1934 (May) Violence A certain group of young, American Negroes, inspired by white Radicals, are distinctly looking toward violence as the only method of settling the Negro problems. 550 words
1934 (Jun) Counsels of Despair Many persons have interpreted my reassertion of our current attitude toward segregation as a counsel of despair. We can’t win, therefore, give up and accept the inevitable.… 2,698 words
1934 (Aug) Dr. Du Bois Resigns The full text of his letter and the resolution of the N.A.A.C.P. Board accepting his resignation 1,646 words
1947 (Oct) The Freeing of India The fifteenth of August deserves to be remembered as the greatest historical date of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This is saying a great deal, when we remember… 3,208 words
1951 (Mar) Editing The Crisis From the time I entered High School at Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in 1880, I have had the itch to edit something. The first fruition was a school paper, in manuscript… 2,443 words
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